Joy of Satan Contradictions: What the website states VS What the people say in the forums (by ~T)

Let’s bring in some facts here.
These facts can easily be referenced by comparing the Joy of Satan website, and the Joy of Satan forums on Yahoo. The format I will be using for these facts is “What the website states VS What the people say in the forums” Ready? Good.

Post made by admin known as ~T

1. Jesus is a fictional character VS They must combat the filthy nazarene (Jesus/Yeshuah) on a daily basis.

2. Satanism is not a reaction to Christianity VS Christianity and Judaism is the primary talking point for recruitment and inspiring emotional outbursts.

3. Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry and free thought VS Do not learn about anything other than JoS APPROVED methods (which change daily) and do not ask questions that go against JoS doctrine (which change daily) else you’ll be branded a “JEW” (which means only Traitor to the JoS).

4. We work directly with Satan, there are no mediators in spiritual Satan VS Adolf Hitler and the SS are the Harbingers of Satan and through them is the only path to Satan, (Hitler was, in FACT, a Christian, but he is still the mediator of the JoS).

5. Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion VS except if you’re Jewish, black, Hispanic, atheistic, Polish, Indian (both Native and Hindu), Asian, or if you’ve ever turned your back on the Joy of Satan and anyone within.

6. We are law abiding VS the many threats of death, curses to harm one’s life, calls for the genocide of multiple races, instructions on how to break the laws of your area to practice Satanism, engaging in pedilific behavior, enticing minors, plagiarizing work from numerous authors, violating copyrights on nearly every work upon the website… (Do I really need to continue, or is this proof enough that they are NOT “Law Abiding”? )

7. There are different sects of Satanism VS Spiritual Satanism through the Joy of Satan is the ONLY true Satanism. Theistic, Atheistic Satanisms are lies. ( A bit Dogmatic there).

8. Satan is the Top Leader of the Nordic Gods VS Adolf Hitler is the true Leader and God that must be given praise. (Leader of the “Nordic Gods” is actually Odin, and he is NOTHING like who they are portraying as Satan”)

9. We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being VS Not one mention of Satan/Lucifer within the forums, it’s either Maxine Dietrich, or Adolf Hitler.

I really want to go into a format of “What the JoS says VS What the Facts Say” but I vowed to keep this straightforward.

Do yourself a favor, read through the website and forums with an open and skeptical mind. Question everything, and research EVERYTHING. (Such as “Melek Ta’us” which is another name for Yahweh, it means the “Peacock Angel” and is the Creator of the 7 Holy Angels..) Research the Al-Jilwah, I bet you’ll not find it anywhere other than Joy of Satan pages and those affiliated, that’s because Andrea Herrington WROTE it.. (Do you honestly think that the Ultimate Black Book of the most “powerful Creator God of the Universe” is only going to be 5 “chapters” long and each chapter is a single paragraph long??? Anti-climatic for a Creator God eh?
You do this, and you’ll instantly see them as the bullshit artists they are. They rip off everything and change it to suit their needs. So much for being the Original Religion, there isn’t an original system anywhere.


Sharing the Love for Real Satanists

If you’ve stumbled upon our Facebook page first or found us here via the web directly, we would like you to take a moment and check out a page we share common interests with. Please give them a Like and thank them for their work in exposing the Joy of Satan, for they have been doing so for a very long time and deserve recognition.

Just as a follow-up to my recent post regarding the ‘exposing the Joy of Satan’ page, I suddenly realized that unless you’re one of the oldfags, it’s possible that you looked at the page, saw the banner, and assumed it was a generic image designed to illustrate the point. I can assure you that it’s not; that pudgy faced fucker with his arms crossed is Clifford Herrington, and the hatchet faced bitch in blue is his wife Andrea Herrington – better known as Maxine Dietrich, ‘high priestess’ and founder of the JoS. These aren’t some random neo Nazis, these are the people who created the JoS, and who magically transform into god fearing Christians when speaking at neo Nazi and white supremacist rallies.

The JoS claims to not have a racial agenda outside a desire to “finish what Hitler started”, in eradicating the Jews, and have even claimed to have a black member of their bullshit clergy. However, take a long hard look at the uniforms and swastikas, and tell me if you imagine they’d happily welcome their daughter’s new black boyfriend into their homes, or more likely shoot both of them dead before they crossed the threshold? The delicious irony of course, is that 90% of people flocking to them right now, are the same ones that flood our inbox – Africans. Whilst it’s an annoying symptom of the gradual devolution of the species, and I do take waaaaay too much delight in fucking with them, I don’t actually bear them any ill will. In fact, I like to think that my Illuminati Grand Poobah bullshit includes with it a healthy dose of reality when it comes to managing one’s expectations, and acts as a valuable life lesson. Imagine how the Herringtons must feel though as they plough through the usual “hw cn satanisticism make mi rish an famoos?” messages? There is a twinge of schadenfreude whenever an African soul seller talks about having done “the ritual where I pricked my finger, wrote my name in blood, and dedicated my soul to Father Satan”, and I point out that the people they’ve just pledged allegiance to, would probably delight in hanging them from a tree whilst they dance ’round a burning cross.

Anyhoo, if you’re a newbie, please take heed. Any satanist who says “Father Satan”, talks about Satanic meditations, chakras and kundalini, and performing the ‘Magnum Opus’ (oh, they’ve all done that – normally before having finished reading the page on the website describing what it even is), is almost certainly one of the following:

1/ An idiot who thinks Satan wants all the Jews rounded up and gassed like badgers, and that Hitler was an all ’round nice guy.
2/ An idiot who claims to be an experienced occultist, but honestly never got beyond the dedication ritual on the JoS website, and is therefore totally unaware that they’re now associated with a white supremacist group. Oh, and who are probably in the 12-19 age group.
3/ An idiot that discovered Satanism 24 hour ago, and has already started telling people that they’re a ‘high priest’ or ‘magister’ of some bullshit cult with a membership of precisely one.

So, the constant in the above is clearly ‘IDIOT’. If you want to do your own research (and all good Satanists should do that when presented with new data – we’re a discerning bunch y’know), then don’t just check out their dreadful website, but also Google ‘blacksun666’, which whilst not explicitly a JoS site (though trust me, it is), is where the freshly brainwashed are sent for advanced indoctrination into anti semitism. Think of it as their Hadith commentaries, where all the really vile and evil shit lives.

Satanism Satanism has no racial agenda, nor any connection to national socialism. Hitler was not a satanist and occultist, he was a Catholic whose only aspirations regarding religion were to unify the church with the Reich, because he knew that the primary purpose of religion was as a tool of socio economic control. True Satanists judge people on their individual merit, and not their nationality, sex, sexuality, political affiliations (unless they voted for Trump), certainly not the colour of their skin, and not even their religious beliefs. None of those (even religion) can reliably be used to identify an ingrate. Granted, we make much noise here about African soul sellers, but that’s a simple matter of fact – 95% of our correspondence comes from deluded black Africans, but that’s nothing to do with their skin colour, and plenty to do with their apostolic pastors, batshit crazy media, corrupt leadership, and deeply superficial access to western media. We have plenty of African members here, who are noble and discerning Satanists – in the page’s glory years, we even had our own Africa Correspondent who wrote fascinating articles about both satanism and indigenous beliefs and occult practices from the continent – and I can assure you that they facepalm harder than anyone when they see some of the nonsense we have to deal with.
Like · Reply · 7 · 14 hrs · Edited

Satanism I will also beat everyone to the punch…”well you say we should look at the swastikas, but the swasi is actually a very ancient symbol representing…..” Yeah, we know cupcake – shall we discuss the art of Man Woman, or maybe how the specific orientation and context of the swastikas in question makes it very clear what message they’re sending?
Like · Reply · 3 · 14 hrs

Bryce Carson
Bryce Carson Are the articles from the African correspondent still on the page? What year was that?

Satanism Ooooh, it was a while ago now. Chiefo Screams still has an active profile, and he’s still on my friends list, so maybe send him a PM if you can’t track them down.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
T.j. Bounds
T.j. Bounds This is good for new people who are researching Satanism, and stumble on to the Jos.
Like · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs
Zé Pedro Fernandes
Zé Pedro Fernandes Remember in my 16 years when I was still a newbie and crossed their website, and how I did the pact with the devil…. and the meditations til finding out the bullshit and scam…. and well the groups made out of nazies….. fuck them its all I have to say >_> thats not satanism what so ever but some kind of training brainwashing camp
Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs


Satanism Too true, too true. Their whole ethos is to use the occult to draw in disaffected and impressionable kids, so they can poison them with their Nazi ideology. Clifford has been recorded (its probably still on YouTube) at a Nazi rally discussing how national socialism is a christian ideal, and gods will – hardly the stance one would expect from an alleged satanist. The fact they give instructions on their page for kids, regarding how to hide their browser history in order to keep online activity hidden from parents and teachers, is a big fucking warning sign that something is wrong.
Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs


Zé Pedro Fernandes
Zé Pedro Fernandes Satanism i got admite i still have a lot to learn. Got my self 2 old dead emails overloaded with emails from the groups and such…. its sad how they use the word satanism to promote their ridiculous stuff : / heck if it wasent bad enough having the muslims bombarding every thing on its path now we gotta deal with these idiots. id love see them (the jos leaders etc) having a debate with a) Richard Dawkins b) Anton Lavey (dead sadly) c) Christopher Hitchens (dead sadly) d) Peter H. Gilmore Im sure theyd be recked…
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Satanism I’d like to see them debating with my cat – they’d still be wrecked, and my cat isn’t all that smart even by feline standards.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Zé Pedro Fernandes
Zé Pedro Fernandes Satanism or that kkk xD unfortunatly the human race as still a lot to learn, as I love saying without religion we would live in a better world
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Satanism Yep, and I would include Satanism in that. Sure, we’re a philosophy with the trappings of religion, but that’s largely to further our anti religious stance in the eyes of others. If all other religions simply vanished, we could carry on as we are, but instead of calling ourselves ‘satanists’, we can instead go back to being ‘just people’.
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs


Zé Pedro Fernandes
Zé Pedro Fernandes Satanism and stop senseless killing in the name of said God and shit. At least we can be proud we dont lower our selves to their level and dont “burn” others when they have different oppinions from others…. like I say to my relatives, they were born in fear, still live in fear -.- its underwelming. Idk what they fear most, the “devil” with red horns and shit, or disobeying jesus lol. Hail Satan. Life freely respect others live your own path. There is nothing better than that haha
Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs
Patrick Kirby-Merriman
Patrick Kirby-Merriman I tended to stay away from their racist rethoric but instead just focus on the meditations and such, that was till i found my own way


Satanism Everything about them is utterly worthless – including their bullshit meditations.


Satanism The JoS is ironically much like the CoS. LaVey shamelessly coopted huge chunks of TSB from Rand, Ragnor Redbeard, Crowley (not explicitly in that case), and even the Yezidi; but in doing so created a gestalt – a genuinely epoch making cohesive philosophy that has largely stood the test of time (though only a fool would not appreciate how dated some of it appears). However, the Harringtons hastily bodged a few vaguely esoteric concepts together (including the Al Jilwah, rediscovered for a new generation by LaVey, despite how the JoS deride him as “blasphemous to father Satan”) to bouy up their flagging generic message of racial hatred, and created the inverse – a system that is significantly less than the sum of its parts.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited


SatanismMeditation exists in context: if you’re taught a meditative system by people filled with hate, that system is no longer useful.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Ray Bowden
Ray BowdenJust looking at that pathetic, wrinkly shower of bastards in the photo has cheered me up immensely. My fucking sides!
Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

Do Not Threaten the Admins of the Exposing the Joy of Satan Facebook Page.


All you are doing is bringing something negative to yourself and to the Joy of Satan. Each time you dare to make a threat, to harass any of us or all of us, there will be consequences. Don’t troll the facebook page. It’s that simple. The page isn’t there for you to post asinine YouTube videos to us via private messages. We aren’t there to entertain you. Bother us enough and yes, we will retaliate. You’ve been warned.

The Joy of Satan has already been cursed badly. Don’t bring more upon the weak group of sickly users. You don’t know what could happen to some of them.

HoodedCobra’s Secret Connection to Jews Revealed, and YES, it’s True.


You heard it here first. “High Priest” Hooded Cobra 666 has kept a secret from the entire Joy of Satan and it is now revealed. He tried to distract users with his Nazitard video, but the truth is far too powerful for most to ignore. There are some who will pretend to stand up for the “race traitor” and e-swear to fight for him, but in their hearts, their souls and with their beliefs, there is no accepting what has been done and can not be undone.

“High Priest” Hooded Cobra 666 had sex with a Jewish girl years ago and is still paying the price for it. Ask about that on the Joy of Satan website forum and in every Yahoo! JoS Group. Dare ya.

When You’re Insane…


Joy of Satan and the Fake Library of Congress Number

Joy of Satan and the Fake Library of Congress Number

We’ve touched on this subject numerous time, but here we go again.
This is taken directly from Facebook:


So, I have recently found a site that says to “expose” JoS Ministries. I obviously know it’s a fake, but they had 1 specific point listed there that got me curious. They said that the library of congress number of JoS Ministries is not registered in the library of congress. I wanted to ask you guys why, or if I missed something concerning this.

Thanks in advance”

Joy of Satan and the Fake Library of Congress Number

Joy of Satan’s Fake Library of Congress Number:
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
It looks like a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN), but if you attempt to find it in the Library of Congress’s online catalog at: you won’t have any luck whatsoever. The faked number claims the Joy of Satan Ministries documents were created in 1912. If the JoS is from 1912, why did they not become a cult/group/entity until Andrea Herrington (HP Maxine Dietrich AKA MAD MAX) made her online forum? I will tell you. Because they really don’t exist. There is no Library of Congress Number: 12-16457 and if you can prove there is, feel free to do so, publicly. Prove it like HoodedCobra666 claims the image he posted of an old pact is legit with signatures from Hitler, Satan AND Lucifer. 😀 That “proof” was all anyone needed! (See LMAO

An LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) has basically three parts. The first is an alphabetic prefix: this number has no alphabetic prefix, but then many LCCNs don’t.
The second part is the year, and that’s what the “12” indicates. This number was assigned in 1912.
The rest of the number, 16457, is a serial number.
That’s all the information you’re going to get out of this number.
Ideally, you can use the number to uniquely retrieve any bibliographic record created by the Library of Congress, but this number retrieves no hits in LC’s online catalog and none in World Cat. I’ve also tried the search with several of the most likely alphabetic prefixes but no luck.

This explain the structure of the LCCN:

The LCCN Lookup:

“If there’s one thing joos do is try to bury evidence. Seriously, there a lot of stories in Satan’s Library where the joos have removed articles from their own publications cause they realized the error of their stupidity. Hell, JoS has even fallen victim to it, they take the site down and our videos we post on YouTube. Sometimes even banning accounts.

[No, “pacman,” t.fuchs actually pointed out something that many JoSers have questioned. That would be called users reporting the videos on YouTube, which includes former JoSers and real Satanists, Pagans and many others. Stop being paranoid and a sheep, kid. BTW t.fuchs, your last name is German and Jewish. Very Jewish. Just pointing the very obvious here.”pacman” you’re the sheep, not the German Jew who had the one small nut to question, but not full balls to actually do it like they meant it.]

It’s very possible Maxine did in fact create an account with the Library of Congress and they’re simply not publishing or making the code accessible to the general public.

[Let us point out the very obvious. Maxine isn’t educated. It’s “very possible” she simply screwed up a long time ago and after so many years of no one catching the mistake, she can’t fix it now. That’s far more likely the reason. How would she know she chose a number that was dated 1912? Did you all not even take that into consideration? Break the number down and it isn’t that anyone “removed” anything. It never existed because no one in JoS was alive in 1912 to submit the content of the Joy of Satan website. Now that makes a lot more sense, doesn’t it? Sure does.]

I recently tried verifying the numbers myself and the results came up with nothing. I take it as a sign they’re not allowing her number 12-16457 to be accessed. It doesn’t cost anything to submit an application and every other piece of evidence on this site has been backed by authentic information, granted what could be obtained without the joos trying to flush it down the toilet.

[See above for more plausible and obvious explanation instead of ass-kissing to the Yahoo group.]
I mean hey, if that isn’t enough to convince you, some of the founding fathers were Satanists, others Freemason. Benjamin Franklin apart of the Helllfire Club, Washington Monument resembling a Baphomet, you never learned that in school.
Interpret it as you please.


If you search the LC Online Catalog you can find hundreds and hundreds of documents on the Nazis, Hitler, the Third Reich, Satan, etc. Many of the search results are results that would be favorable to Nazi sympathizers and the JoS beliefs. Do Joy of Satan members actually believe that the Library of Congress is censoring ONLY the Joy of Satan?
Doesn’t that seem a bit ridiculous? Why are there accessible articles on other topics the JoS would surely claim the “joos” would have blocked, yet there they are? Because our information is not wrong. Maxine’s is. Joy of Satan’s Library of Congress Number is fake. From there, it’s all downhill, kids.

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Pedro Cortes, a die-hard little niño of the Joy of Satan got very angry when he read the entry that points out that the Joy of Satan is stolen work and its owner, “Maxine Dietrich,” a fraud and of all things, a manipulative sociopath.

The owner of Joy of Satan Ministries (Andrea Herrington, aka and referred to throughout this essay as ‘High Priestess Maxine Dietrich’ or ‘Maxine’); known by the state of Oklahoma as Andrea M. Dietrich) compiled plagiarized articles into a self-defeating Satanic facade based on anti-religious sentiments, neo-nazi fascism, and fanatic racism. Maxine adds materials for her website directly from whatever sources come to hand. She then claims that they come from a superordinary source: “demons”. She perpetuates this lie in order to attract juvenile, dupable members to her organization via her websites who give her donation money to support her and to pay for her husband’s neo-nazi campaign.[*] By scamming people through her fraudulent nonprofit and peddling plagiarized writings on her Joy of Satan websites, Maxine promotes fascism while providing herself with an income.[**]

Over the years several authors and publishers have confronted her, but that has not seemed to stop her from stealing other writer’s works and selling them for a profit. This essay will expose the false foundation of the Joy of Satan sites and constitutes just compensation for the many authors who have had their work stolen.

Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You pinned this bullshit from Anonymous, OMG hahahah, a bunch of Jewish masking pricks making lies after lies. You are willing to expose what? Maxine, in what accounts… using other references to point of the truth? Yeah buddy that is not plagiarism or stealing/taking anything. You are so dumb, do you know what copyrights are? I don’t think so. She made her own website representing the truth. You need to realize the Al Jilwah, has been stolen and corrupted by Jewish modernized Satanism, Hence the total slandering of Anton (Jew) LaVey. If you take the time to read MEIN KEMPF, you will absolutely know Hitler despise The Church in any shape or form. Quit while you’re at it too. HAIL SATAN BRO!


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Read the COMMENTS because I know I’m not the only one laughing at your stupid ass. Keep laughing Pedo! Gonna laugh at yourself soon! (To the other admin that told him to visit his abuelita: it gets even more amusing because he seems to have a Puerto Rican family and anyone with half a brain knows there are tons of Rican Jews especially in PR.)

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.

Exposing the JOY of SATANLike Page

When you stop by our Page and completely miss the main event because you’re JoS dumb AF.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I took my time and wasted it both by commenting and reading it clearly. You still push lies after lies. That’s all I gotta say. And yes, I will continue laughing. Even Satan, has a laugh when he know we EXPOSED, Exposing JoS.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez What makes you think these guys are even Jews?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Never said they were…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Omar Martinez


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes: Omar asked you “What makes you think these guys are even Jews?”
You said “Never said they were…” Yes you did.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Stop being a weak little bitch Pedro and visit your abuelita. What a shitty kid you are. And those cigs you can’t seem to quit? CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Nice that you went thru my page… stalker!!!!


Hide 34 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN It’s Facebook. If your posts are public, other people can look at them dummy.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Wait… You call Exposing the JOY of SATAN a stalker when you actively stalk this page, which directly goes against your little Nazi Pajama Party? I knew JoS was full of hypocrites, but damn…. Well nevermind, I knew they all are mindless hypocrites too.. Gotta be dumb as dirt to follow the JoS.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Stfu I’m entitled to do what ever I want. Hypocrisy isn’t even on this picture. But by the way you are helping a jews clarifies how ignorant and arrogant you are. Can have to double negatives.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes This nigga even likes his own shit. Talks a lot of shit and loves to hear himself. When in fact nothing of JoS have you exposed, I’m gonna let in on a lil bitty secret. All you been doing is reposting our knowledge and ranting about how Hitler is not part of Spiritual Satanism, when Nazism is what Jews labeled, National Socialism. DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH. AND QUIT HAVING YOU AS SO FAR IN YOUR RECTUM. YOU CAN EVEN SEE HOPE IN THAT ASS. PUSSIES ASS KIKES.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Wow you should have to blow into a breathalyzer before being able to get on the internet.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes So, you got ROASTED and you’re trying to act like you’re the tough guy? Hahahahaha.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I made him especially mad. I’m supposed to be reaping the consequences of having said that his mom kicked his dad to the curb for being an even bigger loser than he is and now she’s shacked up with some wealthy jewish accountant type whos now his pedophilia driven stepdad and THAT’S the reason he hates jews so much lol and that was just the start of it, me “tilling the land” for the rest of the roast. It’s a shame it was wasted on someone without anything clever to say back.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Oooh, tough Mexicans.. “Entitled” huh.. So you defy the orders of your Matron by even having a Facebook, defy the Ministry’s rules by joining period because you’re mexican (whites only, or have you forgotten what Neo Nazis are), and caim the title of Hypocrite proudly…. Yep, you’re just another Christian pissed off at “god” so you call yourself a Satanist.. I bet you joined JoS in order to “make a deal” with Satan for money, just like every other non-white moron who joins their pathetic order.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess “prez1997@yahoo” aka Pedro, got tough when he bitched and cried like a little baby to the JoS Forums.. Little does the little gringo-wannabe know, that the JoS can’t nor won’t do anything.. They’re too scared. ALL Jos fools talk a big game, but in reality they’re all scared little pussies, just like their favorite half-jew god Hitler, and their “purposely Elusive” leader Andrea.

Photo supplied by Stephanie:

Chad Burgess's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes A bunch of dick riders is all I see here. Sip sip.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes ^^funny thing is idc about you guys. That post certainly wasn’t made by me. See what I am about. WANNA-BE SATANISTS AND JEWS ARE PROLIFIC LIARS.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes It’s so shameful what you guys believe in order to make yourself feel special. All these lies running around. Are nothing but Jew made lies. You think I’m afraid of you. I know my enemy firmly well. And it’s clear what they say.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Your enemy is your own FEAR and the Joy of Satan combined. 😀


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess ” i don’t care about you guys, but I have to come running as soon as that notification on my JewBook pops up, because I have no life outside my dad’s landscaping business”

There, fixed it for you ,pendejo, err I mean ped-ro..


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess You obviously don’t know jack shit… Otherwise you would know that A: Nobody here is a Jew, and B: The “jew, Kike, etc” insults does not hurt our feelings… Only Christians hate Jews, TRUE Satanists don’t care..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Maxine doesn’t even like you. She doesn’t like that you’re a Puerto Rican. She hates your lifestyle. She despises your body piercings. She is happy as an old hog in a whorehouse that YOU, Pedo, aren’t white, because she believes THE WHITES should never pierce their ears, yet you did what she despises most, you gauged your ears and wear plugs. She thinks that is disgusting and she made a point of creating an entire topic about it. She said smoking and wearing plugs was a non-white thing to do and not for the spaceman satanist way of life. Not that you’re even know WTF I’m even saying, but your granny Maxine thinks the whole skate scene going back to Lords of Dogtown is a Jew thing. You picked the wrong link when you Googled “satan” Pedoboy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes There are 4 admins here. Yea I like the other admins posts. You got a problem with that nut sack sucker? You take after Hitler in many ways…sucking ballsack, being a massive coward, crying, total pussy behavior, thinking your tough but really being a girly-boy and you know the rest… you know how it ends.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I am way stronger than you as a person. You see how low you have to put yourself because you want to insult JoS and yet you keep lying about Maxine. Your disrespect will not go unpunished. And for you Chad’ you are no real satanist.satanic to stop being so phoney, get your own place and grow the fuck up. Btw fuck all the admins here. All are bunch lying pricks. Have no sense in what you commit.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes @Chad, you wanna talk like you know. We’ll then if any veteran of past satanic individual should know that JoS is the only spiritual and true satanism. Hence anyone opposing us is either a jew or a jew sympathizer. You would know this if you were to read all of JoS, not even just a tiny bit and you will see..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Lying about Maxine? Do you want to see the post, JoS dick sucker? Try looking around the page and find it yourself, junkie. As for your threat, whatcha gonna do? Throw your weed at us and smack your skateboard at your cell phone? Your threats mean nothing. Your spaceman satan rituals don’t do anything. You waste your life with this shit. You have the mentality of an 11 y.o. boy, throwing around childish insults like “you’re a jew, you’re a phony, you’re a pussy” but you know deep down you’re a loser. Don’t deny that you’re a loser. You have relatives trying to get you to do simple things in life yet you’re incapable because of your devotion to cult JoS.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes My point proven. But I have a mentality of an 11 year old, throwing childish insults? Fam. All I did was promoted the rightfulness of Joy of Satan. And expose your bullshit. I didn’t bitch or lied about anything. I know what I speak of. And it’s already been established that of Maxine. Nothing but lies comes out of your mouth.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You didn’t protect one thing silly goose. All you did was deny and say the opposite of whatever we said. You’ve given no compelling argument. Like I told you on youtube. The internet is your real god and you’ll believe whatever it tells you. You’ve only read and regurgitated literally everything you’ve said thus far. You think we haven’t spoken to 100 other JoSers that didn’t say the EXACT same shit that you’re saying? You’re a dime a dozen pedro. A sellout who pulled a spiritual product off the shelf of the internet because you’re too dull and uninteresting to divine the world in your own way. You need the JoS to tell you what to think.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Rightfulness? HAHAHAHA. Established by MadMax? Lies? So you DO do drugs.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You haven’t had a single thought of your own since you created a user account on JoS. try again, dummy.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Pedro, without me, there wouldn’t be a JoS. I am the father of the Joy of Satan Ministries. When I created it, it WAS true Satanism, then Maxipad and Clifford the Big Red Pedophile took over and made it into a joke. Satanism isn’t about hating Jews, you small minded little fuck-stain, it’s about worshiping Satan. Loving Father Satan and aspiring to be worthy of his gaze, so far none of you are worthy of some random Jew’s piss in a bucket. Christians hate Jews too, so you must be a Christian, after all Adolf Hitler was also Christian.. The Joy of Satan USED to be right, then they changed the original doctrine to suit a bigoted racist and his slut of a wife. Satanism involves SATAN, the JoS now only involves Hitler as the Christians involve Jesus, and Satan has become non-existent to them. And you wonder why your pathetic ass spells and rituals never work…. You’ve cut Satan out of Satanism, of course it isn’t going to work you deluded fool.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess What cracks me up is Pedo-boy likes 22 bands on his Facebook, not realizing that he listens to and likes 15 Ethnical Jews…


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Chad, you put the fire on pretty high. 😉

It’s funny, Pedo hid all his old posts, but now he WANTS you to see his crap. His Jewish stuff. It’s like he’s saying “PLEASE! Please roast me HARD!”


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess He just proves that he is a hypocrite.. All JoSers are hypocrites, that’s why I decided it wasn’t worth saving.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN BTW…Fostar has his brand SPANKING new profile ready…so any day now, he’ll be back.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess For such “dedicated” people to JoS, they sure are giving “JewBook” (as Maxine puts it) a lot of attention, and money. (No worries JoShers, I’m not saying you’re paying for facebook, but Mark “jewberg” as you all put it, gets paid for every new user)


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Same for JewTube 😉


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You say you started the JoS Chad? Are you the one that sourced the power meditations? What was your part in it all? I was with them around 11 years ago and you speak the truth. They got progressively more racist over the years and on the other hand I got more accepting and became nicer thanks to the power meditations ironically. Surely everyone else on the JoS is practicing the meditations as well. What did I do that they didn’t? Perhaps it was because I didn’t rest in the JoS and ingored the dogma while continued education in other sources mainly focused on actual bioenergy work. I find that the youth when beginning the occult become these esoteric vacuumes sucking up everything they can get their hands on which I think is good and the JoS does a good job at seeming like the tell all end all source for all your occult needs. Power and wealth? Vengeance on your enemies? Unsurpassed wisdom and enlightenment? Sexy succubi? You’ll find it all here at lol and it serves to be a big rock that clogs that vacuum which makes the learning and searching come to an end and the finished product is a JoSer.

JOS is a systems integrator, solutions provider and technology consultancy with deep local…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And yeah a kike stick I can’t seem to get off from. Don’t worry we all have our issues.


Hide 12 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN I’m not worried about your dying from cancer, Pedo. I’m hoping. hehehe


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Pedo, did you say your I.Q. was 45? I thought so.

Pedro Cortes
I remember many months ago you coming by and whining like a little bitch about this page then claiming you’d never come back. Same as Fostar Child. The both of you keep coming back like you’re addicted. Both of you both say the same immature crap and both have abnormally high levels of fear and worry about Jewish people, people who couldn’t care less about you people at all. You rant about knowing so much, but you don’t know anything at all, so you report to name calling. When you realize you’re a complete idiot and have publicly shamed yourself for the 20th time, you cry like a little baby to the e-group and claim you’re being harassed. Funny how you’re the victim even though you’re the one who keeps coming back here and posting. We don’t come looking for you, Pedo-boy, you come here and you post. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that how it’s been for months? Who’s the pussy? Wouldn’t that be you, the little girly bitch that ran to the e-group crying like a 6th grade girl about her post being reported?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes My IQ, you wanna really know.. it’s 115, not to impressive but smart enough to know your bullshit. From miles away.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Nd it’s an addiction to troll your page. I never bitched at your page I just simply exposed that what you so called expose.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m gonna ask you the same question baby boy, why you always lyin’?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN No PEDO, You have your issues. You claim we are the ones with “like issues” yet you’re hooked on everything Mad Max claims the jews created. Seems you have a bit of a problem. As for your I.Q. 115…hahahahaha really, you don’t need to lie to us. You can save that for the e-groups of JoS.

BTW look at you, admitting to your addictions…smoking, drugs, false gods, lying, being a spic jew, trolling our page…anything else you want to confess while you’re at it?


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Just like any Christian Creationist…. Completely misses the point of “Irony”.

Chad Burgess's photo.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess a kike stick he can’t get off from…. Did he just admit to allowing a jew to fuck him in the ass? that’s what it looks like to me.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Sometimes I just come here because we just all start laughing… you know what I mean?


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Yes, yes I do.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess There needs to be a “Shit JoSers Say”, but it pretty much sums it up by having “Shit Creationists Say“.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedo, did you say your I.Q. was 45? I thought so.

Pedro Cortes
I remember many months ago you coming by and whining like a little bitch about this page then claiming you’d never come back. Same as Fostar Child. The both of you keep coming back like you’re addicted. Both of you both say the same immature crap and both have abnormally high levels of fear and worry about Jewish people, people who couldn’t care less about you people at all. You rant about knowing so much, but you don’t know anything at all, so you report to name calling. When you realize you’re a complete idiot and have publicly shamed yourself for the 20th time, you cry like a little baby to the e-group and claim you’re being harassed. Funny how you’re the victim even though you’re the one who keeps coming back here and posting. We don’t come looking for you, Pedo-boy, you come here and you post. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that how it’s been for months? Who’s the pussy? Wouldn’t that be you, the little girly bitch that ran to the e-group crying like a 6th grade girl about her post being reported?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN There are 4 admins here. Yea I like the other admins posts. You got a problem with that nut sack sucker? You take after Hitler in many ways…sucking ballsack, being a massive coward, crying, total pussy behavior, thinking your tough but really being a girly-boy and you know the rest… you know how it ends.

You talk about ass and rectum and shit a lot. Have you discuss this with the POO guy himself yet? you know…Mageson? Maybe you should.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Gott Mit Uns means “God With Us”.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN As Chad told you before, if you’d read Mein Kampf you’d know Adolf was a Christian JEW.

Andrea is a white trash trailer park POS. In case you’re a clueless idiot, that means she’s not only an uneducated old whore, she’s a low class filthy white. She’s ranking with those who run meth labs out of shacks and trailers and turn tricks at truck stops. Not the classiest of Americans, can you grasp this, Pedo kid? Why do you thin she’s so pissed off and and angry? She made nothing of herself. She sold herself online to a fat old pedophile Nazi; mail order bride. Nothing to be proud of, that’s for sure.

Chad Burgess: “I’ll give them an opportunity to read a real, unaltered copy of the book.. Translated into English and published in 1939” (not 1933 as dieTrick(ster) claims)

Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Note: “Their sword will become our plow” appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 “Beat your plowshares into swords.”

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Fate must bring retribution, unless men conciliate Fate while there is still time. How thankful I am today to the Providence which sent me to that school!

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought.

At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna’s destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thank the Lord, Germanic democracy means just this: that any old climber or moral slacker cannot rise by devious paths to govern his national comrades, but that, by the very greatness of the responsibility to be assumed, incompetents and weaklings are frightened of.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party… was to assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thus, Protestantism will always stand up for the advancement of all Germans as such, as long as matters of inner purity or national deepening as well as German freedom are involved, since all these things have a firm foundation in its own being; but it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy, since its attitude toward the Jews just happens to be more or less dogmatically established.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

As long as leadership from above was not lacking, the people fulfilled their duty and obligation overwhelmingly. Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, both together and particularly at the first flare, there really existed in both camps but a single holy German Reich, for whose existence and future each man turned to his own heaven.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Verily a man cannot serve two masters. And I consider the foundation or destruction of a religion far greater than the foundation or destruction of a state, let alone a party.

-Adolf Hitler speaking like Jesus in Matthew 6:24 (Mein Kampf)

The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

If Dr. Karl Lueger had lived in Germany, he would have been ranked among the great minds of our people.

-Adolf Hitler speaking about the leader of the Christian Social movement (Mein Kampf)

That is just Volume 1, Chapters 1-3… So Yeah, did you even READ Mein Kampf???? The ONLY Church Hitler became against was the Catholic Church, as he himself was Protestant.

This translation of the unexpurgated edition of “Mein Kampf” was first published on March 21st, 1939…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yeh if you read the heavily altered version it clearly says Adolf is Jewish. But in reality Jews hated Hitler. And brought him into war for bettering his country.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Top text:
German Deacons’ Gazette
Organ of the German Deacons
One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren
26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4Hitler’s Portrait

Bottom text:
Heil to the Führer of all Germans!

Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yeah three days have passed since I was to suffer the curse of his united family against me. I had a shitty day at work yesterday lol if that’s the best he could do then I haven’t done a good enough job roasting him which I seriously doubt. I told him just because his jewish stepdad calls him his dirty little schmuck while he blows his schmeckle Its no reason to take it out on the rest of the jews 😛 I told him to go knit a yamaka from the lint of his jewdads matzoballs and have him bleach it white with his cum. I had never seen such a mad pedro.


Hide 57 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN His “united family?” His Christian family in Puerto Rico? What’s going to happen? Did he ask his abuelita to put a really strong Jesus prayer on you? His family is Christian and he’s been a really bad boy. His immediate family members have been riding his ass to get him to visit his great grams but Pedro is far too busy with Joy of satan to be bothered with Grammy or anyone else in his family. He puts online strangers first. He’s such a good boy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj hahaha, oh man, he’s going to come back here and blow a donkey.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith It didn’t end there. He went on about how I’ve gone too far now( the neo nazi said I’ve gone too far lol) and to not wait for my punishment because it would be swift. I told him to wrap his pinky finger around jewdads rabbinical curls while he makes him sit and spin onna dreidle, getting him ready for the sheer sphincterial ring piece wreckage of having a Hanukkah candle shoved up his ass head first. He blocked me on youtube after that and his name is pedro cortez on youtube as well.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes In insult you may witness your Mortality..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes when it comes to importance and people, your number is …ZERO.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Meet your greatest troll.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN OH no we’re confusing the little boy by two of us posting at the same time. I should go get the other admins to come post now so everyone is here, lol


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN “Like” one of the other posts an admin posted, it makes Pedo-pedo get all mad and feel those naughty feelings inside. He’ll have to go tell the E-group.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Or he can go to abuelita’s and have arroz con gandules. Pigeon peas are naaaaasty.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN So PEDO, is it Pedro Cortes on YouTube or Pedro Cortez? Bit confused. I don’t have a youtube but for you I’ll sign up, for laughs, you know.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes It sad what you believe. Does it make you feel all grown up Lil sissy the fact that you can’t handle me with truth. All you been ranting about is lies. Get a grip of your false reality.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Isn’t this great? We have a pet JoSer on tap. I knew it was a matter of time before he would be back. Pedro, buddy. What false reality? The one who can’t handle the truth is you for blocking me on youtube. I got under your skin and all you could do is masturbate to cope with the frustration. I bet your incisors lengthened and hair grew from your knuckles as you typed these inarticulate vague insults. My only regret is you’re too stupid to appreciate how badly you’re being roasted right now.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Dude I think you the wrong person. I don’t even go by my name on YouTube.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Oh sure there’s exactly two of you on the same few JoS youtube videos with the exact same name. Quit trying to cover your tracks we’re not fucking idiots.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes There are tons of people with my last name in JoS, since you seem to know so much about it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes It’s funny because I am not @Prez w.e. w.e his name is. I actually seem his post on the egroups after ya mention it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You actually want to know who I am in the groups… let’s exchanged names. I’ll find you ASAP.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Let’s exchange social security numbers to. Oh wait. That’s right. You don’t have one. Guess you’ll just have to settle with being someones maid. I’m sure if you lift your skirt from time to time you’ll get paid a little extra.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Besides that your idiocy and shitty english is parallel to your messages on youtube. Sillystraw Catheter strikes again!


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN “I hate Pedro. He NEVER visited abuelita!” ~gato naranja

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I know. This attempt to hide himself and cover his tracks is an insult to even his own intelligence.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Oh wow look at my cat, such a cutie right? It’s a German Rex, humph jews night hate this cat too. Don’t you guys too.


Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes @ExposingJoS Admin, you are truly a fucking idiot. How dare you keep bring my family in this you keep seem to handle the fact that I “ROASTED” YOU. A Jewish mind filled person will never comprehend this. You shouldn’t be using that word. Take a look at all of the post you HAVE ever directed to me. You don’t seem to understand the level of stupidity. I thought this was THE GREAT EXPOSING JOY OF SATAN, huh?
P.S. I went to see my grandma, had fun, she’s even staying over for a few months, jealous… because the only thing you got is time. But time do sit your computer and talk *shit*
Don’t you remember who your talking to, bro? All of your 4 admins sucked my dick virtually. And I’m going to let think about this.. it fuels my soul.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t attempt to hide anything because I am not scare of you. If anything you are lucky. I won’t ever find you. Because whatever size you are I would knock the fuck out. And I promise that. Your insolence defines you. @ExposingJoS & Aj Smith


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Hahahah this idiot wants to talk all mighty and shit, but can’t seem to type my name correctly. You sure you are not making up all those lies that run the Internet about JoS? Because it seems to me you got a lot of stuff to say about them. You know them that well? Oh geezer may I ask how did you know all these things about them, you know mother always taught ya, don’t believe anything anyone says.. hehe


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I own you pedro. No matter how much you fight it. We’re so deep inside your skull there’s no way your ego could take the hit of walking away from this with how bad we’re doing you. You’ll stay on here forever trying to prove yourself to us because you grew up without any real friends to bust your balls and call you out on your bullshit so now you take yourself waaaaaay too seriously. Get out of the basement kido. There’s this thing called fresh air and sunlight, oh and emplyoment to. Look into em.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Sure mother taught ya not to beleive anything anyone says yet your entire religion is based off believing what other people have told you. Bravo dipshit. Bra-vo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Adhere to it. You sure guys have no life. I take a Lil tiddy but of my time to reply. All the bullshit ya WANT to believe. It’s cool bro. You really think you’re in my head.. hummm how is it there. Pretty or horrendous? I mean I am a Gentile with a strong HEART, an a mind of STEEL. I don’t think it’s possible for you to enter without my consent. I am protected, thus I practice void meditation. So you can’t even know what I am thinking. Only you can see the results when I type. You insolence.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You have no control. You can keep boasting about your powers but really… even you know the truth.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Dude what you call “void meditation” is the most basic of the basic of the basic of the basic rudimentary and elementary beginner meditations that are taught universally. There’s literally nothing special about your little void meditation that you’ve had ZERO success with might add. Plus who do you think you are fooling? If we weren’t inside your head none of this would matter to you but no you’ll stay locked in your basement with your moms laptop trying to prove yourself to us forever becuase we’ve dismantled your very existence with just a few harsh words. LoL who actually says to another that they’re strong hearted with a mind of steel? Someone who needs to say it has no other way to prove it, thus being a liar and a fake of a fraud. Your messages get more desperate by the minute beaner tits.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes
Comments you’ve made:
“Dude I think you the wrong person. I don’t even go by my name on YouTube.”
“There are tons of people with my last name in JoS, since you seem to know so much about it.””I don’t attempt to hide anything because I am not scare of you. If anything you are lucky. I won’t ever find you. Because whatever size you are I would knock the fuck out.”

The latter is going on a poster for why people need to take their ESL classes and their medications.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Kinda wish that Siddha guy would return and try to explain pedro and some of the other knuckle heads we’ve had these past few days. There’s no way he wouldn’t be embarrased after seeing the drunken belligerence that spews from the average JoSer especially pedro here. Pedo here is your actual average JoSer. That’s why that Siddha guy won’t be with them for long I guaruntee you because the humiliation of being grouped together with pedro and his ilk would be too unbearable.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Nice for you guys to think that… really I love it. Fueling my persona.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith God knows you need help in that area lol. You’ve done a better job than all of us combined at proving the JoS is nothing but a bunch of teenage losers who think they’re more important than they are. Good job there buddy. Way to take the work off our hands.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Great assumption you made. I like how you immediately advice me that I need help. When in fact I don’t live at mom’s. I have my own place. Something you’re gonna lose pretty soon. Maybe not, idc. You all will it coming. I will laugh at you goyim, who are brainwashed by the jewish pedophile you all praise. But I mean going against the foundations of Satanism.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Quit taking your jewish stepdads pedophilia out on us. I bet while he dominates you he gives you hebrew safe words for when your sphincter can’t take it any more. I like how everybody else that disagrees with you is automatically a jew despite not actually being jewish or having ever said or done anything advocating judaism ever, for you It’s easier to lable someone a jew and be dismissive rather than respond relevantly. Deep down it’s because you know you’re in over your head with us verbally and aren’t articulate enough in english to be able to debate on our level. It’s still fun watching you try though so please keep this coming.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You sick filth, where do you get this concept of having a Jewish stepdad? What made you say such nonsense? Stupid. You are still below me, regardless how hard you express it.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes I did Nazi see this coming. JEW know you got on both sites because they duped them? heh!…/jos-dumb…/


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Pedro your proving how little your capacity for memory is whilst also proclaiming yourself better than others is hillarious. You’re still stuck in the “I and other” dance, think yourself better than others. People who say they’re better than others are immediately moved to the bottom of the respect list across all cultures. That includes yours there as well beaner tits.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj Smith Did beaner tits run off and hide? I think Pedospic ran away! Bolted! Freaked and ran like a coward! Right after the last posts on YouTube and here, he seems to have deactivated his Facebook. AAAAHhahahahahahaaaa!


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You think you’re better than us because nobody thinks about you except yourself. I guess you ought to think yourself special because I promise you nobody else does. You say this as if you haven’t spent the exact same amount of time on here arguing me as I have you. The JoS is only a few years old. It’s a completely internet founded religion yet you think its the oldest as if being the oldest even mattered in the first place. Interestingly enough, the older the religion the more fucked up and inhumane it is. You should know that personally there beaner tits as it wasn’t much longer than a century ago your beaner ancestors were cutting heads off and rolling em down temple steps in mexico. So the reason you guys pretend to be the oldest religion is stupid to think that antiquity somehow merits a theology. Fucking idiots I swear. If this world breaks out in nuclear warfare tomorrow it wont be soon enough.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Sulist Cortes Not really, Pedro.

You’re the 2nd entry from the top. Enjoy. The next entry to be posted will be filled with your idiocy…
you can delete your profile, but your words remain. Sorry pidgeon pea chicken ass.

Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes It sad what you believe. Does it make you feel all grown up Lil sissy the fact that you can’t handle me with truth. All you been ranting about is lies. Get a grip of your false reality.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 2:01am
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Isn’t this great? We have a pet JoSer on tap. I knew it was a matter of time before he would be back. Pedro, buddy. What false reality? The one who can’t handle the truth is you for blocking me on youtube. I got under your skin and all you could do is masturbate to cope with the frustration. I bet your incisors lengthened and hair grew from your knuckles as you typed these inarticulate vague insults. My only regret is you’re too stupid to appreciate how badly you’re being roasted right now.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 2:17am
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Dude I think you the wrong person. I don’t even go by my name on YouTube.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 2:22am
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Oh sure there’s exactly two of you on the same few JoS youtube videos with the exact same name. Quit trying to cover your tracks we’re not fucking idiots.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 2:25am
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes There are tons of people with my last name in JoS, since you seem to know so much about it.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 6:16pm
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes It’s funny because I am not @Prez w.e. w.e his name is. I actually seem his post on the egroups after ya mention it.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 6:18pm
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes You actually want to know who I am in the groups… let’s exchanged names. I’ll find you ASAP.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 6:18pm
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Let’s exchange social security numbers to. Oh wait. That’s right. You don’t have one. Guess you’ll just have to settle with being someones maid. I’m sure if you lift your skirt from time to time you’ll get paid a little extra.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 6:54pm
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Besides that your idiocy and shitty english is parallel to your messages on youtube. Sillystraw Catheter strikes again!
Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 25 at 7:20pm
Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj Smith it’s him.
Like · Reply · June 25 at 9:40pm
Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN “I hate Pedro. He NEVER visited abuelita!” ~gato naranja
See Translation
Exposing the JOY of SATAN’s photo.
Like · Reply · 1 · June 25 at 9:41pm
Aj Smith
Aj Smith I know. This attempt to hide himself and cover his tracks is an insult to even his own intelligence.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 10:32pm

The Joy of Satan, a “life loving, law-abiding religion” that calls for the death of anyone they…


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Oh wow look at my cat, such a cutie right? It’s a German Rex, humph jews night hate this cat too. Don’t you guys too.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 10:43pm
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes @ExposingJoS Admin, you are truly a fucking idiot. How dare you keep bring my family in this you keep seem to handle the fact that I “ROASTED” YOU. A Jewish mind filled person will never comprehend this. You shouldn’t be using that word. Take a look at all of the post you HAVE ever directed to me. You don’t seem to understand the level of stupidity. I thought this was THE GREAT EXPOSING JOY OF SATAN, huh?
P.S. I went to see my grandma, had fun, she’s even staying over for a few months, jealous… because the only thing you got is time. But time do sit your computer and talk *shit*
Don’t you remember who your talking to, bro? All of your 4 admins sucked my dick virtually. And I’m going to let think about this.. it fuels my soul.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 10:50pm
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes I don’t attempt to hide anything because I am not scare of you. If anything you are lucky. I won’t ever find you. Because whatever size you are I would knock the fuck out. And I promise that. Your insolence defines you. @ExposingJoS & Aj Smith
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 10:53pm · Edited
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Hahahah this idiot wants to talk all mighty and shit, but can’t seem to type my name correctly. You sure you are not making up all those lies that run the Internet about JoS? Because it seems to me you got a lot of stuff to say about them. You know them that well? Oh geezer may I ask how did you know all these things about them, you know mother always taught ya, don’t believe anything anyone says.. hehe
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 10:58pm
Aj Smith
Aj Smith I own you pedro. No matter how much you fight it. We’re so deep inside your skull there’s no way your ego could take the hit of walking away from this with how bad we’re doing you. You’ll stay on here forever trying to prove yourself to us because you …See More
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 10:59pm
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Sure mother taught ya not to beleive anything anyone says yet your entire religion is based off believing what other people have told you. Bravo dipshit. Bra-vo.
Like · Reply · Message · June 25 at 11:33pm
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Adhere to it. You sure guys have no life. I take a Lil tiddy but of my time to reply. All the bullshit ya WANT to believe. It’s cool bro. You really think you’re in my head.. hummm how is it there. Pretty or horrendous? I mean I am a Gentile with a strong HEART, an a mind of STEEL. I don’t think it’s possible for you to enter without my consent. I am protected, thus I practice void meditation. So you can’t even know what I am thinking. Only you can see the results when I type. You insolence.
Like · Reply · Message · 11 hrs
Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You have no control. You can keep boasting about your powers but really… even you know the truth.
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Dude what you call “void meditation” is the most basic of the basic of the basic of the basic rudimentary and elementary beginner meditations that are taught universally. There’s literally nothing special about your little void meditation that you’ve h…See More
Like · Reply · Message · 9 hrs
Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes
Comments you’ve made:
“Dude I think you the wrong person. I don’t even go by my name on YouTube.”
“There are tons of people with my last name in JoS, since you seem to know so much about it.””I don’t attempt to hide anything because I am not scare of you. If anything you are lucky. I won’t ever find you. Because whatever size you are I would knock the fuck out.”

The latter is going on a poster for why people need to take their ESL classes and their medications.
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Kinda wish that Siddha guy would return and try to explain pedro and some of the other knuckle heads we’ve had these past few days. There’s no way he wouldn’t be embarrased after seeing the drunken belligerence that spews from the average JoSer especially pedro here. Pedo here is your actual average JoSer. That’s why that Siddha guy won’t be with them for long I guaruntee you because the humiliation of being grouped together with pedro and his ilk would be too unbearable.
Like · Reply · Message · 8 hrs
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Nice for you guys to think that… really I love it. Fueling my persona.
Like · Reply · Message · 7 hrs
Aj Smith
Aj Smith God knows you need help in that area lol. You’ve done a better job than all of us combined at proving the JoS is nothing but a bunch of teenage losers who think they’re more important than they are. Good job there buddy. Way to take the work off our hands.
Like · Reply · Message · 7 hrs
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Great assumption you made. I like how you immediately advice me that I need help. When in fact I don’t live at mom’s. I have my own place. Something you’re gonna lose pretty soon. Maybe not, idc. You all will it coming. I will laugh at you goyim, who are brainwashed by the jewish pedophile you all praise. But I mean going against the foundations of Satanism.
Like · Reply · Message · 6 hrs
Aj Smith
Aj Smith Quit taking your jewish stepdads pedophilia out on us. I bet while he dominates you he gives you hebrew safe words for when your sphincter can’t take it any more. I like how everybody else that disagrees with you is automatically a jew despite not actually being jewish or having ever said or done anything advocating judaism ever, for you It’s easier to lable someone a jew and be dismissive rather than respond relevantly. Deep down it’s because you know you’re in over your head with us verbally and aren’t articulate enough in english to be able to debate on our level. It’s still fun watching you try though so please keep this coming.
Like · Reply · Message · 5 hrs
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes You sick filth, where do you get this concept of having a Jewish stepdad? What made you say such nonsense? Stupid. You are still below me, regardless how hard you express it.

Your cat says you’re a small-dicked loser who tries on women’s clothes when your mom goes to work the porn hub.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Ah good shit. The benifits of having a scribe lol. Expose you should replace the times by the messages with those ratio numbers they have to trace verses like in the bible. That would look great.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Did you breed your cats mom with a Chihuahua? It has ears like theirs, no wait I got it. You fucked that cats mom and it has your beaner Chihuahua genes coming through its ears. Man, between being Satans keyboard warrior, dodging taxes and stealing jobs where do you find time in the day for bestiality?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Sulist Cortes The point was to show you that deleting your profile did nothing. There’s a copy of every retard word you posted already posted someplace else on the internet. for laughs. To prove that the JoS is comprised of total imbeciles.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You should be grateful beaner tits. If not for bestiality you wouldn’t exist right now.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Are you trying to cement some sorta catchphrase there beaner tits? Oh I’ve been eating at you all day. I’ve served you on a platter in more than 100 flavors and all you’ve done writhe amd flail with belligerent comments. Yes sir beaner tits Ive had you for breakfast lunch and dinner today.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yes you do. Your entire being precludes it. You also delete your accounts because you sober up later and can’t look at your humiliating comments anymore so you delete them. Looks like the admin did a good job of copying your stupidity as you wrote it. You’ll not cover your tracks here coward.


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt Condone murdering Jews, but having a go with a dog is crossing the line.
Yeah okay buddy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Sulist Cortes Really no need to tell us all of your inadequate member. Noticed many of you JoSers are complaining of having small penis issues. Coincidence? Probably not.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You have got tp be the biggest fucking moron I’ve ever had the pleasure of roasting. This is why every spanish speaking country is in shambles. You idiots are too predictable and easy to rile up in tp senseless rage. That’s why we’ll continue to build factories on your land for super cheap and practically subject you to slave labor while you guys shank each other over drug territory just so you and the rest of you dolts can barely muster up a living. Plus your words are too few and too stupid to twist around. They sound perfectly idiotic just the way they are so don’t you worry.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But when a Jews kills a gentile is okay, but when we are sick of being in shackles and slaves, so we stand up it is not okay. Bitch Steph, you clearly letting these Jews in your head. You just can’t see it. I pity you.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes @Aj, I’m ashamed at what my races chooses to do. But that’s their problem. I don’t classify myself with my race unless they are at the level of my intelligence, in order to fight the Jewish Tyrrany.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN waah waaah waaaah

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN To be honest with all, I NEVER BOTHER TO GO INTO THE JOS FORUM OR WEBSITE, I have no interest with what those Cowards behind the Computer Moniter think or say, and another thing, there are HUNDREDS of better books, pdfs, etc to learn/absorb magick, etc.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Thousands even.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith And anyone that knows anything about this knows that void meditation is the preliminaries for too many cultures to name. It’s just called something else. For instance the tibetans call the practice shamatha meditation. For you to try to use that as an excuse was pathetic and not convincing in the least I might add. By the way its nice to know you sobered up and saw your messages and how stupid they sounded. You deleted your account because you couldn’t look your own idiotic messages any more. I don’t blame you. I’d be ashamed to.


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt “You can’t accept reality for what it is”-Sulist Cortes.
Says somebody who believes in reptilians and greys.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Funny thing is if you go back to all my posts it’s all truth. Even someone who have reason and uses logic could tell’ don’t bring that crap to me Exposing JoS, Steph, I already told you, ypu just don’t understand occult simple. Go back to where you crawled out of. It’s a big boy school pages here. Nothing to be ashamed of.


Hide 58 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro, the only funny thing is you and your belief system. It’s not occult, it’s fantasy. You need to go back…to before you were poorly conceived. You should’ve went into a tissue, Pedro. Only thing you’re right about is that the content here and on the websites we have are “big boy school pages.” Maybe you should try to read them even though you are a little boy.

In case you didn’t notice, we’re cutting each JoSer puppet…and it’s fun. Joy of Satan deserves what’s happening.

“Funny thing is if you go back to all my posts it’s all truth.” What’s truth? All I can find as truth is that you’re a Nazi, but you’re not WHITE, so it makes you a joke and all your supposed “beliefs” are simply shit that you allowed yourself to self-lobotomize yourself into believing, like some buffoon.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro, why do you post here? Do you want a title, like “Pedro the Troll?” Seriously kid, you’re an idiot.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Nothing is happening to JoS, that dream you hold so dearly may kill you.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith That a threat there beaner tits? Where’s your green card pal? Might wanna keep the threats on the down low or border patrol is gonna tranquilize your ass and have you thrown back into the sweat shop you escaped from.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Puerto Ricans are not illegal. And nope that’s a promise..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Nothing is happening to JoS, that dream you hold so dearly may kill you.” Really? So when I got over 30 of their websites deleted, that was nothing? Ha ha ha. You’re funny. As for the latter of your comment, I’m sending it to Feds, lil’ fucknut. Hope you like having them up your asshole day and night, because that’s what you’ll have since you broke THE RULE…just like what happened to angryshaman666. Don’t think I’m telling you the truth? Go check it out with the HP’s. angryshaman666 made threats like you do and his ass was booted from JoS pretty hard. Seems your next, Rico Not so Suavé.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes What you crying out FED’s? I had a hunch that you were gonna say that. ANGRYSHAMAN is live and well. Btw the Feds can’t do anything if there isn’t a probable cost. You just waste their time. How you look… Dial (ring ring), hello, yeah I would like to report a possible over the social media threat. First thing they gone ask yo dumbass is it regretting Homeland Security? No if yes call homeland security. But you just waste there time. Even I! Can distinguish a threat over some hateful words, you since you can’t reason not use logic all you want to do is act like you accomplished something. Keep on lil one. Your are only digging your own grave.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I like how you requote my post. Seems like AJ has a hard time understanding certain things, and you wanna call me out? With Pleasure!


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Don’t try to turn this around on us and attempt playing the victim you little coward, as if you did not threaten the us just now you little crybaby. We scared you because you don’t wanna go back to the sweatshop you were born in and got all mad at the prospect of having the beaner control called out on you. We’re sooo deep inside your head that you can’t go on living for one day without trying to prove yourself to us. Face it pedro. You belong to us now. We’ll be splitting custody pf you since taking care of the handicapped is a full time job. Chads gonna get you on mondays and thursdays, I get you on tuesdays, wednesdays amd fridays since you seem to love me best and steph gets you on the weekends.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You sound gay asf! And I am not turning anything on you, nor am I a coward. I already been trolling you guys from the start then I got serious, now it’s just you commenting is too futile..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Dude you have never trolled us. EVER. You’ve been trolled, but you trolling? No. I’ve seen you bragging on JoS in different areas…acting all powerful, and I crack the hell up because you’re so weak your abuelita has to hold your spoon when you eat, and she’s like what, 85 years old? Your whole family is mutations and you know it; saw your noses and said to myself “what the actual F*CK!” It was scary but at the same time, so funny! Those huge, wide noses…oh, I know! You look like LILO! So does Michelle! And I can keep naming relatives! Weird for supposed Rican mutants that you have those freakish features. Someone at JoS should look into your DEE EN AYYYY! You think you’re serious, you haven’t got a clue what serious is.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yeah I trolled you since the day I got here. Look at the types of post I put. Just look at them. And tell me if you feeling like I trolled you and your other admins.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Looks are merely illusions one tends to belittle, because they themselves look ridiculous.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t have any Jewish features and yet you dare looking at my family and say such NONSENSE. Grow up and realized you are the Jewish filth. You filthy scum. Dare you won’t say that on my face. Little and all I still would drop you. Bitch. Don’t worry I’ll find you. You’re getting too reckless and freely saying shit over the Internet but what was this that you don’t care about us. Well dude clearly you love my dick. You constantly going on it. I can see you creeping up on my profile.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yet here you are on this page still, feeding into your own roast. It takes two to tango genius, or in your case it takes two to salsa dance.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I been making salsa dance with the comebacks I got. You just worry about your replies but can’t seem to understand facts when stated.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes NOPE.
“And tell me if you feeling like I trolled you and your other admins.”
Like I said Pedo. No.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You can’t realize you are being trolled? Oh god. May he give you the strength heheh


Aj Smith

Aj Smith What “facts” have you stated exactly? You’ve stated nothing beaner tits. You’ve merely implied through your incessant worship of us that you want everyone here to shoot a load on your face simultaneously.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes The only one who is filthy and reckless is you. You better go tell you family what chaos you’ve created because you’ve brought some insane wrath upon them. As for your dick, You talk about it daily here, which tells us that you have it in one hand every time you post to us…which is gross and at the same time tells us you can’t get enough of us here. Get you damn dick out of your dirty hand and go do something productive.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You clearly want to see my dick. You’re gay. I don’t talk about such things unless I’m telling you to suck a dick, but since you can’t read well that’s your problem. Exposing the JOY of SATAN


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You’re too stupid and inbred to know when a strong female has pushed your ignorant skank dirty ass to the ground. Pssst, bitch please.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Pedro why don’t you answer me this, if you know so much about the occult, how do demons manifest? And how do you summon a demon?


Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes That’s basic. Why you asking me a rhetorical question?…/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html

Note, 24/February/2015: This article was originally written over ten years ago. Much has happened since then. Since that time, Joy of Satan has brought thousands of people to Satan to learn the truth and to advance in spiritual understanding and abilities. When I was new to Satanism and began writin…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Oh got the whole gang over suck one dick ahhhh how good that feels.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Lmfao. Of course, you just reply with a joy of Satan link. Dude that shit doesn’t work. I’ve tried it. You’re not even making a circle. Do yourself a favor and quit reading that website and go read about demonolatry to know the real way to summon demons.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes So you use the 9 foot circles? Oh go ahead attempt that. And I never summoned a demon because I know they are extremely busy, and my 3rd eye isn’t fully open yet. You tried but weren’t successful, great to know you gave up on it but somehow think the 9 ft circles work. Come on dude your a blasphemy to Satan, and you have his sigil, shame on you for belittling on “your” own.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Face it Pedobear. Omar and Tyrell are smarter than you. Own up to your weakness.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You copy a link off that old outdated site? Aaahahahahahaaa. No. Wrong answer.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Omar Martinez Thanks for letting Pedobear know that the shit doesn’t work. We tried to tell him he had “issues” being that he is a self-proclaimed “Mage of Satan.” Pedo can’t get himself out to work even a part-time job and he thinks he has the energy to summon anything. All he can summon is his hand down his own pants. So powerful. He’s summoning things for sure…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Smarter than me hmmm I don’t want to lower my standards bro, they are far beyond you capabilities. Face that…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And is it wrong boy, why don’t you go ahead and try it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN fuck you and all your Jewish lackies. Dick sucking motherfuckers. That’s all you are good for. Swallowing.


Tyrell Benzinger

Tyrell Benzinger Pedo why don’t you invoke your demons and demonstrate us all the power? Or why doesn’t any of your hps, pedo? It’s not a hard thing to do for someone so advanced. Busy? LOL that’s the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard in any religion, including abrahamic. Face it pedo, your religion is fake.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And you adhere to the phoney program that deprive of life. Okay. The religion. Spiritual Satanism, is the only and most of you sadly think otherwise, because you rather be stuck to a couch and “live let live” Christian bullshit be implanted in you. I rather not. I rather be free, to do whatever I desire, and no I don’t care where other stand.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Tyrell Benzinger what is it with you and calling such name, can’t type too. Oh dear.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedrobear thinks he can invoke demons because…

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez i have to admit, Jossers are fun to mess with lol


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Pedro Cortes And for the record. This is a more correct way to invoke “demons” –…/summoning-demons…/

I assume you already red Communication with demons article so you know what to expect,…


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Exposing the JOY of SATAN im also not surprised he thinks he can summon anything. all jossers have that delusion.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I never said I can go around summoning demons. Don’t be disrespectful toward the gods it’s not like we should be summoning one. When we *try* to summon a demon we need to have a purpose, but for what purpose do you need to be saying that I can’t summon one. It’s not like I can’t read, evidently I can answer your comment so what’s then, oh blah blah. That’s all you Omar Martinez Exposing the JOY of SATAN Chad BurgessAj Smith Tyrell Benzinger are blah blah blah blah blah, you need to yes plz update your page. And make sure you don’t forget to put… “Blah,blah,blah,blah,blah JoyOfSatan.” As your name. You get the memo..


Tyrell Benzinger

Tyrell Benzinger Pedro Cortes Where’s the proof your religion is “the only real one”? That sounds EXACTLY like christianity. Get a grip, pedo.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Use your almighty beantits power to smite us with all your black magic expertise. Can’t give excuses when you’ve spent countless hours on here arguing with us. You won’t do anything because you can’t. That’s why all of us are still here passing you around.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlic( what the fuck is this???? You probably are chanting a Jewish archetype, just like any delusional person who says they read the bible, fuck that I read that book anything that it says had a subliminal impact in me and those whodeluded themselves into such witchcraft. At least in JoyOfSatan we have then enochian keys and the runic Kabbalah, which are Egyptian and Satanic in Nature. Read about it Exposing the JOY of SATAN, but there’s no need for any JoyOfSatan Satan clergy, to be misguiding us to the damnation that the Jews have been driving us to for the past 2000++ and do me a favor, when you post, let me give this to you straight. Stop making a fool of yourself. You keep ranting that JoyOfSatan is nothing but lies, prove where in there is lies being mentioned, because when you critic something back it up.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Sounds like Christianity maybe Christianity sounds like Paganism, Satanism, and many other cultures it stoled. Maybe you can learn quite a bit from me you know you seen to be lacking the basics of religion.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Pedro Cortes pedo, did you even bother researching that chant and see if it is even jewish language? if you didnt then lets have a moment of reflection and come to realize that JOS is making you just say “its not from jos? JEWISH!”. do you see how retarded this is? You clearly know nothing about the occult and only what jos tells you. That is a Demonic enn obtained by meditating and communicating with that specific demon.

by the way, how do you know that “AHT-OHYUH • AHTZUHV • OHK • AHSH • KOHZ • EHP •




EER • OHK • UHTZAHT • OHYUH • UHG • UHB • AHH” isnt actually jewish? because it came from jos? did you ever think to research THIS? of course you didnt. either way, why does it matter? the occult is the occult, if it works, it works. pick up a book for once. oh wait! theyre all jewish if its not from jos i forgot! :p lmfao. grow up kid.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Pedro Cortes i do real shit. i can send demons to you 😉


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Careful what you ask for 😉


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes No no, go ahead man do it I dare you.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And stop smiling I thought this was serious.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Pedro Cortes oh., but i am serious 😉.im totally serious


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Which God are you evoking?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Or you gonna have him or her do telepathic communication, and type me some shit huh? Don’t fool yourself just letting you know. My GD is strong.


Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez Pedro Cortes oh SOOOO strong hahaha. youre deluded kid. im actually kind of wondering. If youre soooo against jews, why do you use facebook? Mark openly said he was jewish… yet youre here… interesting 🙂


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes That question is so rhetorical, it doesn’t merit an answer. And yes. He is.. Just be careful.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re too stupid tl realize nobody is trying to convince you dipshit. We just keep poking you so that you’ll keep saying stupid shit for others to see. Your words are proof for others to know that the JoS is full of incompetent fools like yourself. We’ve been using you this entire time and you dance like a puppet however we tell you to. We’ll give the strings back to maxine once we’ve broken you like every other JoSer that’s appeared on this page.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You still are a stupid idiot.. I don’t need your convincing.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith The only thing you need convincing of is your own stupidity. That’s a realization that’s gonna take you lifetimes to achieve.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Hmm hmm hahahahahah.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yeah you’ve clearly got nothing left, and whats more is I had already told you nobody was trying to convince you dipshit. You can’t read? Having your mom translate this for you? She must be ashamed.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yeah ok buddy but I’m always in your ass tho right.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Learn to read vea


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes How about you take some time to reflect upon yourself your filth disgust me.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You not paying taxes disgusts me you border hopping beaner. Go sculpt a dildo out of some pork chorizo and proceed to fuck yourself with it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You call me beaner, and this nigga over here calls me black Latino. From Puerto Rico. A beauty island. Why don’t you hold his dick Exposing JoS, and keep satisfying yourself with lies.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro the PEDO were you waiting for this? I know how much of an attention whore you are. It’s an amusing post since it makes claims about things that never happened. Sounds like you made the post, but then again, most of you JoSers make false claims. “I saw myself levitating” “I saw the astral…” Yeaaaa… you saw what happens when you don’t take your antipsychotics. Ha! [JoyofSatan666] (really, you can guess this one lol) <>
To Jun 27 at 8:01 PM

Jewbook and jewtube are in Conjuction. They will use that to gain (nothing really) but some of their confidence from it. They are all working together as I recall, never would had thought that they would expose themselves to me. I guess I attracted them with my immense energy. Sorry guys, some times I let off on my spiritual powers. So they got in my business. But I handled them. 4 to 6 months ago. They had to have all 4 admins try to stop me from exposing them. Yet again I’m still in the assignment like a doctor checking for herpes. Haha I said that already to them too, get it. Doctor checking for herpes in their butt. By constantly being raped I the assignment by Jew, when they dare slander us. Some level of degree the have. Watch. You shall visit their page. In any minute they will screenshot all of this and try to use it against me. But it won’t work regardless of what they say.
Typical hallucinating JoSer.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Then again my point proven.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Spiritual powers? He let em loose and all he got was a few people to call him out on his bullshit? Yeah he’s a real force of nature let me tell ya. We shant look upon him with our naked eye lol…. Cause we’re plain out humiliated for you. How do these guys who think they’re gods act I wonder when they’re having to do totally mortal stuff like take a shit. How do they maintain this grandiose image of themselves in mundane moments like that lol


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Simple, having infinite knowledge.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes The point being that you’re a loser? Yes, then you are correct. Clap your hands together. Do you need instructions?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You don’t have the right to call out any points. You’ve proven to me so many by just your posts and how irrelevant they are, yet you call yourself EXPOSING JOS, I pity you. Take a look at your posts. It’s something to laugh about..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Wow, so you think you’re trolling hard yet this page just got 205 new likes. Thanks, you must be doing awesome! LOL I think the JoS boat is siiiinkingggggg!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You think. You’re right you think. But it will never happen. Even if it goes down many over 15k has the website saved up.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You’re right…many JoSers do indeed waste their entire lives, poor teenagers, spending hours each day and night backing up the Joy of satan when it should be Andrea Herrington’s job, not theirs. But you kids are too stupid to realize that. Why do the work of the owner of the site while that old whore granny race-mixer sits on her ass? You DO know she has race mixed kids and race-mixed grand-kids right? She is race-mixed herself! But you all sit there behind your little screens licking her words like she’s special. Noooooo, kid. She’s a race-mixed mess. Her offspring, well, she has no idea what their DNA is because she screwed married men and then got tossed. She hooked up with Clifford by mail order Nazi sites. Why else would she marry a fat old Nazi slob? Get real PedoBear. You seem to fall for the more ludicrous nonsense and pass over the truth as if it scares you.


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt “You don’t understand the occult”. I understand that it’s bullshit.
You are literally the same as Christianity. “If you just read the bible, you’d know it’s true”
“If you’d just read my posts, and the JoS website, you’d know it’s true”.
You are bullshit. Your beliefs are bullshit. You are weak. Your bloodline is weak. And you will not survive the winter.


Hide 40 Replies
Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Hence why I call them Reverse Christians. They are not worshiping Satan, they are hating God. They’ve deleted Satan from their entire practice, and focus on hating an imaginary character. The conspiracy of “Jews taking over the world” is the SAME EXACT THING that Christians say, word for word. Like Christians, JoS also completely forgot that their “messiah” was of Jewish blood.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Steph, Steph, hun you need to realize I didn’t tell you go read JoS, and “believe” it. You are a dumb child. In JoS, you are taught to question everything. Even the website, good luck finding for yourself. Question everything.

@Chad, funny thing is, Satan haa three things against him and he hates three things… Since you so called gave us our meditations. You should know where that comes from^


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes How the fuck Satan has Jewish blood?


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt I do question everything. Quite thoroughly.
I’ve questioned JoS, everybody in the groups, including Andrea Herrington (which she is a real piece of shitty work, by the way).
So here are my findings. JoS hates SO MUCH that they cause wars within there own communities. They say that a war is waging between them and the “kikes”. But the real fighting is between each other.
You say to question everything, but you can’t question anybody in JoS. You can’t ever question the HP’s or the followers, because if you raise a question or concern, you’re called a “filthy joo infiltrator”, and they then try to get you banned.
I’ve questioned the audience in which JoS caters to… It caters to angry teenagers and angry adults. It’s really easy to gain a follower by harnessing their anger and saying “That is the person to get angry at. If we got rid of them (the Jews), everything will be so much better”, but the truth is, it won’t solve anything. But they will believe it, because they love Satan and have found a group of people who love Satan just as much as them. And they want to cling to that, because Satanists are harder to come by.
Bottom line, if anybody asked me advice on becoming a Satanist, I’d tell them that they are better off being a solo follower.


Chad Burgess
Chad Burgess @Pedo, “Three things are against me, and I hate three things”
Yes, I do know where it comes from, Let me educate you;
1: the Al-Jilwah is NOT a real doctrine of Satan. Andrea actually wrote that “version” in order to put on the website. The REAL Al-Jilwah talks about the CHRISTIAN practices of the Yazidi that STEMS from their ancestral worship of Molech. “Malek-Taus” is NOT Satan, Malek-Taus is Yazidi which simply translates to “Spoken Truth”. It’s the same gimmick that Christians use to make idiots believe their stories, such as the word “Gospel”, it literally translates to “Truth”.
2: Never once does the false book even state which three things are against Satan, and what three things Satan hates. Andrea knew of the limited intelligence her “followers” have and played it. She knew that people would ASSUME that those three things were “Islam, Christianity, and Judaism” since there was a slight mention just before..3: While we are on this false doctrine.. Let’s point out one thing from the book, and a direct contradiction from the website….
The Al-jilwah speaks of “Sons of Adam”, but yet the JoS website clearly has “Satan is not a Christian Invention” and speaks frequently (on the website only) about how God and Jesus don’t exist, (even though they are foul, vile, putrid non-existent figments of our imagination)….Being that “Adam” was the first Human creation by Yahweh and doesn’t exist anywhere else in any other literature it comes to this, if the website is correct, then the Al-Jilwah is false. If the Al-Jilwah is Correct, then the Joy of Satan website and it’s current admins are false… There is no in-between except for BOTH being wrong…

Pedo: “How the fuck Satan has Jewish blood?”
I said YOUR MESSIAH Not the God you CLAIM to worship… While we’re on that though, the very word “Satan” originated within the Jewish (Hebrew) language, which if you want to get technical, “Satan” is in fact Jewish.
Damn, I knew JoSers were idiots, but I didn’t think it was this bad.. Let me try to explain it to were you can understand;
Deity/God – The being you (are SUPPOSED) to worship, in this case it is supposed to be Satan (But JoS doesn’t)

Messiah: is the Human Messenger that embodies your faith.. For the Christians it was Jesus, for Islam it was Mohammad, For Dietrich Satanists it is Adolf Hitler – who was Half-Jew (and not even a Satanist, he was Christian – Protestant Catholic.)

“In JoS, you are taught to question everything. Even the website, good luck finding for yourself. Question everything.”
You are taught to question everything, except Maxine and her “word”, You blindly follow the website (supposedly) but you blindly follow the admins of the forum – WITHOUT QUESTION.. That is not questioning, that is being herded, like sheep.

When I created the Joy of Satan including the meditations, they were correct.. If they weren’t correct, they were corrected. We admitted mistakes, we admitted when we were wrong.. We constantly updated the site with new information, and we NEVER remotely even mentioned “Yahweh or Jesus”, nor did we ever mention Hitler for that matter. We focused on Satanism, his MANY forms and variations. We focused on his disciples and how to contact them yourself. We focused on meditation plans and when we used other’s works we asked for permission to use them and CITED THE OWNERS, we even provided links on how to order the works from the publishers themselves. We actively researched everything, even if it directly contradicted what we already had. We provided TRUTH, as we found it… We never told anyone how to be, what to believe, or even to donate. THAT was MY JOS.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith His brain won’t absorb 10% of this message. It’s waaay too complex for him. Pedro can handle about a paragraph at a time at best. Not even really trying to joke it’s just an educated observation.


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt I could make a whole video of shit wrong with JoS.
But they’ll just spam and flag it for something about jews.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes CAN YOU READ? Damn, you are one dumb Hispanic, and to think the JoS claims there is no such thing as a Latino or Hispanic. Ha! Take your time, take 4-4 hours if you need to, and read what Chad posted to you. Let’s see if you can comprehend even one paragraph.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Pretty much questioning the wrong things and even if you do question you seem not to like what’s revealed to you. Let me get your head straight.. HP Maxine is not who you guys keep mentioning. Get a grip that’s a Jewish lie you revolve on your head. That’s why I outta stop replying to you Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt


Pedro Cortes



Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Why acknowledge such…*


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt Then stop replying to me.
JoS will always be an embarrassment to Satanists everywhere. You can’t convince me otherwise.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Now you’re acknowledging that replying to you is idiotic? I will never stop correcting you girl you need to hop off people dicks. Only advice I can tell you is go question everything and research it.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess “Self” doesn’t begin with a vowel, so “an” isn’t correct. It should read something like this ; “Pedo is A self-centered idiot.”


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Seriously, Spick & Span, if you’re going to claim I lack intelligence, at least appear intelligent yourself.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess But seriously, that’s all you got in response?

BTW, that “Jew Lie” happens to be the truth, it’s only a “Jew Lie” according to Andrea Herrington… And the Pastor would never lie to their flock now would they??


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t have to appear intelligent to know who isn’t here lol. That’s what you call a troller! And yes *self* isn’t the word I was looking for, it was hmm ugh it’s self, between who else it would be. Unless you have been *POSSESSED* as Christians claim.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You have yet to spell my name correctly and have long have we been going to with this. Have some simplicity bro.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes When you YELL “CHAD BURGESS IS A SELF CENTERED IDIOT!” do you really mean “I, PEDO CORTES, AM A JEALOUS LITTLE BABY!” ? Thought so.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes So, you have a direct connection with Maxine? Did she rape you when you were underage? Are you saying you met her in person? If not, then why …


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes
Your name…I hope your dumb spic relatives Google you. Oh wait…there’s like 10,000,000 Pedro’s. Oh well!

The Joy of Satan, a “life loving, law-abiding religion” that calls for the death of anyone they…


Aj Smith

Aj Smith His words are getting exponentially more pointless. Not even sure what his goal is anymore. I guess that he’s built such a grandiose satanic image of his self that he can’t go on living so long as there are people who mock him. His ego can’t handle it. I’d love to get a glimpse at his fantasy world where he’s actually taken seriously.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess The fact that he had nothing else to counter with besides a 1st grade mentality”insult” proves that I got to him.

Perhaps he used one of Andrea’s “meditations” before becoming “enlightened” enough to attempt insulting me… Even then, his poor grammar negated his attempt. It was still funny.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Don’t bullshit yourself a great philosopher once said.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Agh you your website about me, hmmm thanks the more you work on that it will back fire you. You post it everything I said, which more people will see the *TRUTH*


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Stop flattering yourself. It’s not about you. It’s about the Joy of Satan, and it’s working. It’s why brainwashed Nazitards leave the JoS every day. You might be clueless to it, but we aren’t. They read everything and they bail as fast as they can from the JoS. You on the re, your low mentality comments? That’s just to prove to people what a “typical JoS hive mind” behaves like.
What’s that you ask? A lobotomized moron. That’s you, Pedo. A total imbecile. A sideshow freak. Have a nice day.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith A great philosopher once said don’t bullshit yourself? Wow, you’re done pedro. Really. If you think your words have done anything to help the JoS cause you’re sadly mistaken. You’re an embarrassment even for JoS standards.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But you can’t spell my name correctly. So why listen to you. I’m not oblivious to anything in JoS, too bad of people leave JoS those loyal will receive the gift, the gift of Truth.


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt

Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt Why do any of us give a shit about spelling your name when we’ll forget your name in afew days?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Bitch because how they say retardation can’t speak, well yet again learn to properly *type* control your emotions, I know it’s hard to bear the truth, just as how I have to bear your sick Jewish energy thru the screen.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m flattered at the fact that you made a website entirely of me. With my posts which will spread to minds of those with Him.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt He thinks we’re spelling his name wrong when we type “Pedo.” 😀


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes HAHAHA you know MadMax WhoreHerrington calls you trash? Do you even know why? Look in the mirror. Go read her spew about your EARS PEDO. She thinks you’re a piece of low class low life shit. REALLY. Yet you kiss her dirty ass while she puts you in the trash file. LOSER 😀 Oh PedoBear!


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “I will never stop correcting you…you need to hop off people dicks” And you, PedoBear need to stop hopping ON people people’s dicks.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes The only thing cracking me up is why the fuck would I say that question everything, question everything when in fact no one logical enough would put themselves in a predicament that would disgrace ones honor or pride.

You low level humans should deserve death. No worries here tho. Freedom of Speech. I attack anything against it. Anti Semitism runs in my blood. It is nature.

And yet again resolving to childishness. Hey call your other admin I would like to shit on him too.

Pedo? What kinda of odium you hope to reach by typing my name like that. But Pedro Javier Cortes, edge this name in the far depths of your mind because when ever you talk bad about JoS best believe without any hesitation I would be in that ass.

Have your followers (Dick riders) swallow this too….

Did you ever take your time to read Joy Of Satan? If not here is a link. You should reread it.
But it would seem pointless to spare my energy to you. Even typing makes me stomach feel unease. But I know why… Since Steph. Isn’t overwhelmed or clearly narrow minded, her energy radiating isn’t full of filth, like you guys. All of you. I can just feel the disgust crawling my skin.


Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt
Stephanie Dubsteph Stewartt But I thought you just called me a Jew afew posts ago? (or that I had “sick jewish energy”)
That’s neither here nor there, though.
I’ve read JoS in its entirety because I yearned for good information on Satanism. And all I found was a bunch of people who loved Jew-hating more than Satan.
I honestly don’t know where else to go from here.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith He acts as if JoS is this tell all end all source for all your occult needs. You can read the JoS it’s entirety in just a few hours. Not really that impressive.


Chad Burgess

Chad Burgess Considering Puerto Rico is 85% Jewish blood, and has been for the past 600 years, and anyone alive today with Puerto Rican blood also has Jewish blood, I’d say the “low level humans” comment is in reference to himself.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Clearly you don’t read your parts on the posts. I said you don’t have that filth overwhelming you, or is just you don’t feel it. Every time I got to comment I have to meditate in order for your buddies filth to dissipate. @Stephanie


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Gayded Seytuhn Meditayshunz

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Aj Smith

Aj Smith As if you questioned even once what the JoS told you. You don’t have the versatility of resources to even do such a thing judging from the weeks of broken record redundant statements you’ve made.We’re the first time you’ve ever thought about any of this and you know it. Your vague replies that lack relevant substance has long since shown that the JoS is your only reference you have in any of this. You’re like a dog on a leash only capable of seeing a small part of the yard that you’ve been tied up in, that small part of the yard being the JoS. It’s clearly all you know. So don’t pretend like you’re some studious skeptic who through much research, trials and tribulation brought you full circle to the JoS. lol your entire being so far is laughable. The clown mascot of the JoS. In a big scrathcy wooly beaner costume lol


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Read what I say it has more relevance than what you claim to right. But I’m Mexican tho, hahahahahah trolled


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Plus I’m not skeptical. I’m open spiritually minded.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith The only thing open about you is your gaping sphincter from all the abuse we’ve put you through.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Pedro Cortes: “Steph, Steph, hun you need to realize I didn’t tell you go read JoS, and “believe” it. You are a dumb child. In JoS, you are taught to question everything. Even the website, good luck finding for yourself. Question everything.”

“Question everything.” WHAT? But Pedro, you don’t even do that! WTF!!! You just believe what you’re told! Don’t take that as actual shock. It’s me being obnoxious towards you…as usual. Because you are a loser and a piece of shit and your family, well, tu madre es una puta.

Pedro then goes on…trolling…
“@Chad, funny thing is, Satan haa three things against him and he hates three things… Since you so called gave us our meditations. You should know where that comes from^”


Pedro Cortes: “How the fuck Satan has Jewish blood?”

REALLY PEDO? C’mon! And you call people here stupid and dumb, yet you are the sining light of idiocy if there ever was one. Vete p’al carajo, PedoBear.

BTW, does EVERY family member and you have such HUGE WIDE noses? Do the JOY OF SATAN accept that? I want a JoSer to ask about that. You and your families huge-ass non-white non-aryan nose feature. What’s up with that?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes: “Steph, Steph, hun you need to realize I didn’t tell you go read JoS, and “believe” it. You are a dumb child. In JoS, you are taught to question everything. Even the website, good luck finding for yourself. Question everything.”

“Question everything.” WHAT? But Pedro, you don’t even do that! WTF!!! You just believe what you’re told! Don’t take that as actual shock. It’s me being obnoxious towards you…as usual. Because you are a loser and a piece of shit and your family, well, tu madre es una puta.

Pedro then goes on…trolling…
“@Chad, funny thing is, Satan haa three things against him and he hates three things… Since you so called gave us our meditations. You should know where that comes from^”


Pedro Cortes: “How the fuck Satan has Jewish blood?”

REALLY PEDO? C’mon! And you call people here stupid and dumb, yet you are the sining light of idiocy if there ever was one. Vete p’al carajo, PedoBear.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith PedoBear:D


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Whoops. PedoBear is sort of “unavailable” right now.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith What happened?


Hide 47 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN He was temporarily Jew-banned. 😀Facebook put his account on lockdown. He’ll deny it, but he posted some stuff and he knows what I mean.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj Smith I know you like to f with the JoS kids… well, they are RIPE right now. See my newest post and you’ll see where they are. All tough n’ stuff. lol


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I was fucking your mom thru out the time I was banned by bitchbook, some kike here feels like some sort of God because he *reported* my post, you mad you can’t take our guns and to say the Rituals aren’t working boy grasp reality for what you see and stop being ignorants. It would only kill you.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Keep on crying beaner tits. If your rituals are working then why are we all still here laughing at you?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Clearly ignorance and what ran out of things to say? Pussy bitch suck a Jews dick while you’re at it. They are laughing at how relentless and pointless you guys became.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes No thanks, no one wants to suck your dick. Remember how I said PR was full of Jews? Well, Chad pointed it out to you as well, but you seem to have missed his post.

Considering Puerto Rico is 85% Jewish blood, and has been for the past 600 years, and anyone alive today with Puerto Rican blood also has Jewish blood, I’d say the “low level humans” comment is in reference to himself.

So, no thanks “Pussy bitch suck a Jews dick while you’re at it.” That’s YOUR job as a lower class Latino worker. They are laughing at how relentless and pointless you guys became.” Yeah I bet! When they saw
549 likes +289 this week, which is up 3,129% this week alone, JoS said “oh look at all that fail over there!” That didn’t happen PedoBear. Quite the opposite.

You’re all mad about that post report, aren’t you? Heh heh heh heh. Still haven’t answered half the posts we’ve directed at you I see, and I did mention you explaining why your whole family has such “unique facial features” when it comes to their noses…their wide load, huge bus sized noses. If the HP’s or MaxiMixedRace saw that, you’d get das boot!


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes No thanks, no one wants to suck your dick. Remember how I said PR was full of Jews? Well, Chad pointed it out to you as well, but you seem to have missed his post.

Considering Puerto Rico is 85% Jewish blood, and has been for the past 600 years, and anyone alive today with Puerto Rican blood also has Jewish blood, I’d say the “low level humans” comment is in reference to himself.

So, no thanks “Pussy bitch suck a Jews dick while you’re at it.” That’s YOUR job as a lower class Latino worker. They are laughing at how relentless and pointless you guys became.” Yeah I bet! When they saw
549 likes +289 this week, which is up 3,129% this week alone, JoS said “oh look at all that fail over there!” That didn’t happen PedoBear. Quite the opposite.

You’re all mad about that post report, aren’t you? Heh heh heh heh. Still haven’t answered half the posts we’ve directed at you I see, and I did mention you explaining why your whole family has such “unique facial features” when it comes to their noses…their wide load, huge bus sized noses. If the HP’s or MaxiMixedRace saw that, you’d get das boot!

You mean they’re all crying because it seems this page is at 762 Likes at the moment and rising fast. That’s a quick jump in the past few days, which means one thing only—JoS is losing. Real Satanists are kicking their arses and Jews are more powerful. Ohhhhh that hurts. While you’re here PedoBear, I know it’s not your thing but check out those hot ladies and men in the 2 albums posted.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Found a new name to call me how relevant you are. It just defines YOU! Nd btw if your weren’t reading, motherfucker. READ… I clearly said suck a Jews dick for reporting my post bitch, you’re mad because the dumb US gov can’t take our guns.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Take your shoes off and stay a while beaner tits. You might as well since we’re not gonna let you leave. Like I said Pedro, just face it, you belong to us and you’ll stay on here forever trying to out wit us in vain. Besides, every second you stay here is another second you’re not polluting someone elses life with your presence. Really what we’re doing here is more of public service. Keeping idiots like you in one place.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t miss anyone post I just certainly ignore the idiotic claim. I know Jews have infiltrated and race mixed every race in the world you’re telling me something I already knew. But let me tell you something, Shit-talking JoS page, and Chad, you suppose gave us some knowledge and you were a JoS is your recent days. Like I said because you should know that meditating on your soul gets rip of all the Jewish bloodline one may have. But I know my blood is full. And pure. Don’t get that confused.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But the real Joy of Satan page that was recently made has far more likes than, your page was ever up. Sit on that.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes According to Mad MaxiPad, there is NO REAL Joy of Satan Facebook Page. Sit on that.
773. 10 since the last post.
BTW PedoBear, you JoSers can’t count all those Nigerians, Kenyans, Tanzanians, Tunisians, Malawians…they think JoS is Iluminati. They think the JoS is going to make them rich, get them all bling and Maseratis. Get real and try harder if you’re going even attempt to make a point here.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “I know Jews have infiltrated and race mixed every race in the world you’re telling me something I already knew.” So you admit your own gene pool is race-mixed, hence those facial features your family is sporting? Thank you.
“But I know my blood is full. And pure. Don’t get that confused.” How’s that? By those completely NOT Puerto Rican noses you all have? Those are African features, race-mixed boy. Michelle’s nose is wider than the Grand Canyon and you’re going to tell us there’s been no race mixing? OH COME ON. Papa Pedro has the nose. I know Puerto Rico. I know the people and the history.
The average Puerto Rican individual carries 12% Native American, 65% West Eurasian (Mediterranean, Northern European and/or Middle Eastern) and 20% Sub-Saharan African DNA.Even Fucking Wikipedia spells it out to you.
The original inhabitants of Puerto Rico are the Taíno, who called the island Borikén; however, as in other parts of the Americas, the native people soon diminished in number after the arrival of European settlers. The negative impact on the numbers of Amerindian people was almost entirely the result of Old World diseases that the Amerindians had no natural/bodily defenses against, including measles, chicken pox, mumps, influenza, and even the common cold. In fact, it was estimated that the majority of all the Amerindian inhabitants of the New World perished due to contact and contamination with those Old World diseases, while those that survived were killed by warfare with each other and with Europeans.

Both run-away and freed African slaves (the Spanish, upon establishing a foothold, quickly began to import African slaves to work in expanding their colonies in the Caribbean) were in Puerto Rico. This interbreeding was far more common in Latin America because of those Spanish and Portuguese mercantile colonial policies exemplified by the oft-romanticized male conquistadors (e.g. Hernán Cortés). Aside from the presence of slaves, some indication for why the Amerindian population was so diluted was the tendency for conquistadors to bring with them scores of single men hoping to serve God, country, or their own interests. All of these factors would indeed prove detrimental for the Taínos in Puerto Rico and surrounding Caribbean islands.

In the 16th century, a significant depth of Puerto Rican culture began to develop with the import of African slaves by the Spanish, as well as by the French, the Portuguese, the British, and the Dutch. Thousands of Spanish settlers also immigrated to Puerto Rico from the Canary Islands during the 18th and 19th centuries, so many so that whole Puerto Rican villages and towns were founded by Canarian immigrants, and their descendants would later form a majority of the Spanish population on the island.

In 1791, the slaves in Saint-Domingue (Haiti), revolted against their French masters. Many of the French escaped to Puerto Rico via what is now the Dominican Republic and settled in the west coast of the island, especially in Mayagüez. Some Puerto Ricans are of British heritage, most notably Scottish people and English people who came to reside there in the 17th and 18th centuries.

When Spain revived the Royal Decree of Graces of 1815 with the intention of attracting non-Hispanics to settle in the island hundreds of French (especially Corsicans), Germans and Irish immigrants who were affected by Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s immigrated to Puerto Rico. They were followed by smaller waves from other European countries and China.

During the early 20th century Jews began to settle in Puerto Rico. The first large group of Jews to settle in Puerto Rico were European refugees fleeing German–occupied Europe in the 1930s and 1940s. The second influx of Jews to the island came in the 1950s, when thousands of Cuban Jews fled after Fidel Castro came to power.[29]
Racially mixed society

The native Taino population began to dwindle, with the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century, through disease and miscegenation.[30] Many Spanish men took Taino and African wives. During the last century of Spanish rule, the racial make-up of the island shifted considerably. Puerto Rico went from being two-thirds black and mulatto in the beginning of the 19th century, to being nearly 80% white by the middle of the 20th century, which was largely due to mass immigration resulting the Royal Decree of Graces of 1815 and flexible racial boundaries epitomized by the Regla del Sacar laws.[31][32][33][34][35] Under Spanish rule, Puerto Rico had laws such as Regla del Sacar or Gracias al Sacar, which made persons of mixed African-European ancestry to be classified as white, which was the opposite of “one-drop rule” in US society after the American Civil War.[36][37] Though, most Puerto Ricans self-identify as white, few are of purely European ancestry, particularly since the Canary Islands, the part of Spain from where many Puerto Ricans originate, has significant African ancestry inherited from its aboriginal Guanche population.[16][38][39] About 61% of Puerto Ricans have significant Taino ancestry and 46% of Puerto Ricans having significant African ancestry, many are racially mixed, with most people having varying degrees of European, African, and Taino ancestry.[36][40][41][42][41][43][36][44][42][45]Studies have shown that the ancestry of the “average” Puerto Rican person (including Afro-Puerto Ricans) is about 64% European, 21% African, and 15% Taino/Amerindian, with European ancestry strongest on the west side of the island, African ancestry strongest on the east side, and consistent levels of Taino ancestry throughout the island.[46]



Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I admit something true you admit to lies. That’s the difference between in our commenting. And my family don’t matter how hard you want to see Jewish features they’re are none. I’ve done my research boy. Find something else to say just so I can correct your bitch ass.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes No, fuckhead. “and Chad, you suppose gave us some knowledge and you were a JoS is your recent days.” MaxiPadSTD was an atheist. Chad was already a High Priest. Andrea Herringfishbetweenherlegs went to his seminar asking for help. Then she made her eyes bleed out website. Chad wrote some original content back then, not RECENT, you idiot.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Nah don’t come with that Chad is a lying bastard. Fuck him as high priest. Where is he at now. A Hp title shouldn’t be taken lightly.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Find something relevant to say bro. You, yourself are becoming futile.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Maxine isn’t Andrea H. Get a grip already she already had debunk this.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You are trying what the Jews supposedly call Divide and conquer. But you’re failing big time I am a adept satanist and I do my own research, and I am very intelligent. So your efforts have been useless. That’s why I trolled you. Don’t you think I posted that picture with the kike stick, for a reason.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Puerto Rican bloodlines and culture evolved through a mixing of the Spanish, African, and indigenous Taíno and Carib Indian races that shared the island.
NO PURE You. you can’t go back in some time machine and change it. And the Jews….they were there too, so suck it up and deal with it. You’re in JoS and you’re all race-mixed and most likely “kike” from back in the day. FACTS OF LIFE.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Right because the JoS told you so? Reeall mature and compelling there sport. You’ll believe anything the JoS tells you because we’ve embarrassed you sooo much that you’ve no choice but to blindly stick to your stories. By the way, nobody cares about your stupid guns. Why take them away when you idiots shoot each other with them more than anyone else?Thanks for doing all the work for the US you dolt.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Maxine isn’t Andrea H. Get a grip already she already had debunk this.” You are the only Joy of Satan member that doesn’t know that Maxine Dietrich is Andrea Herrington. Man you are dumber than we all thought.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes No because I’ve done my research. And I so happen to be one of the few lucky ones who are pure. Fuck boys


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Her name is High Priestess Maxine Dietrich!


Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes Message from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich:
It is a sad fact that some idiots have nothing better to do with their time and have no real ‘life’ of their own, that they have to put energy, time and effort into impersonating me online.
I do not have a ‘Facebook’ page or account, nor do I ever intend to.
I do not have a personal ‘Twitter’ or anything else related.
I do not SEND anyone personal e-mails, I only REPLY to very few who e-mail me as I simply am too busy and do not have the time.
I do not visit or make any posts or replies in any groups or forums outside of the Joy of Satan.
There are NOT any photos of me online. Any pictures that claim to be me are fakes!10/April/2016:
The internet is now under severe attack. The enemy who has controlled the media, the press and communications for centuries is now on an onslaught in taking down any websites that expose them and their agenda. They have immense wealth, connections and power. This is the reason the hoaxes of Christianity, Islam and other nefarious programs have thrived and survived. Any opposition was severely crushed and removed. We must keep fighting. The enemy has openly bragged of taking down tens of thousands of websites around the world, that expose them and oppose them. The internet should be free and owned by no one, but the enemy has always felt they have the right to order others about and assume the position of “authority” to the detriment of everyone.

Because of the removal of any information exposing and opposing the enemy, for the time being, many articles and links to websites will be through the internet archive. If you close out the advertisement for this at the top of any archived webpages, the webpage is normal as it should be if you want to save or print anything. I have saved all of the JoS and affiliated webpages. This is not perfect. Some of the saved pages on the archive may be outdated, but we will do the best we can to provide links to any updated pages. If anything should happen in the way of being removed, I will just put it all back up again. Each time we are taken down, we learn and get even more organized. This is what we have and keep doing. If we can maintain and fight back in the face of attack, we will win. All freedom comes at a cost. At this point, the enemy is now facing what is analagous to trying to plug up holes in a dam. They have been exposed before tens of millions, thanks to the internet. The information is no longer suppressed and right now, too many people already know.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith The only thing pure about you is your idiocy. As a chemistry major I’ll win the Nobel prize for having discovered stupidity in a raw elemental form, Pedronimium.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes 779 and dude, you’re not pure. I see so many races in your family and I bet Andrea would too. You have a lot of reading to catch up on, little one.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You love to hear yourself talk, reposting shit and re-quoting me too. You look sad boy. Are you depressed?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes YELLING IT CHANGES NOTHING, IT’S A MADE UP NAME DUMMY! “Her name is High Priestess Maxine Dietrich!” And Donnie is called Mageson. Do you also think Hooded is his first name? LOL
Her name is ANDREA. Fucknut. Look it up. Her husband is Clifford Herrington. Man you’re a retarded monkey boy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “No because I’ve done my research. And I so happen to be one of the few lucky ones who are pure. Fuck boys” Let’s see your DNA test! You’re a Connecticut idiot. Go back to PR and ask around. Man I have so many people in PR and they’re all laughing at you. No such thing as pure from PR. Do your homework idiot.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith He’s from Connecticut?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “You love to hear yourself talk, reposting shit and re-quoting me too. You look sad boy. Are you depressed?” You can’t get enough of us. Are you out of meth? We seem to be your substitute for drugs. 😀
Know why we quote you? It’s simple really. I don’t think you’re smart enough to remember what you posted, so I quote what you said so you don’t sit there scratching your ass wondering where the comment came from. We know you’re all high and shit.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Nah don’t come with that Chad is a lying bastard. Fuck him as high priest. Where is he at now. A Hp title shouldn’t be taken lightly.” Chad has far more important things in life right now that dealing with a mentally unstable and seriously confused teenager who is spinning out of control.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Connecticut explains a lot. I lived in Stanford for a short period of time. Nothing but segregated yuppies running the place. It’s all golf courses and tv stations there. Pedro here is probably landscaping some republican politicians house right now, reminding the old fart of the good ol days.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You poor pathetic hard. You never once trolled us here.

“That’s why I trolled you. Don’t you think I posted that picture with the kike stick, for a reason.”

LOL. Long before you had a clue anyone would look at your selfie-riddled profile you had tons of pics of yourself smoking. Smoking cigs, smoking weed, smoking meth, smoking crack. Maxine Andrea doesn’t even like that shit, brotard. She hates your ear plugs and she hates your smoking. Look brorican loser, she would rather fuck you than see you with those plugs and smoke coming out of your face, and she is like 60 or 65 years years old! Ask her, she’ll do you if you’ll stop that shit. 😀


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I never smoked meth not crack.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And where I am from doesn’t define who I am.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes ^^thats website is all a bunch of shit you have told me. Am I to tell you again these are lies. Well ofc buddy. Anyways Aj, now you know I’m pure blood. Thanks to Satan and my GD guidance. I got rip of all Jewish filth in my family and life.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And a small highly small percentage is pure. Look that up.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Oh no Pedro, that site is NOT, those email screenshots are real. Sorry lil’ race-mixed brownie español but you are trolling yourself with your stupidity. Andrea Herrington is married to Clifford Herrington. Andrea is Maxine. ASK HER YOURSELF unless you’re too pussy to ask. I bet you can’t ask. Maxine Dietrich is Andrea. She uses the name Maxine for her Nazi Satan from Space BS. EVERYONE knows that except the dumb spic.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith So you realize the only way blood stays “pure” as you say, is through consistently inbreeding? Since there’s sooooo few of you unicorns that also means the genetic handicaps will happen twice as fast. Come to think of it that would make a lot of sense to know you were an inbred tragedy. It would certainly account for your limited capacity.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t need to ask she has already told us that’s not here. Bitch why you being so stupid. That’s how I am trolling you.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Now I’m a unicorn because I’m pure. Haha you guys make my day better. I find enjoyment watching you think that you are trolling me. You can’t troll the troller. Haha


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I spent a couple weeks in Puerto Rico a few years back. How do you like rich Americans claiming your beaches privately as their own? You probably serve them as a waiter bringing em margaritas with a towel over your other arm with some little white gloves on. Go get your shinebox beaner tits.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Not only is Perdo a Black Latino, he doesn’t know that Mad Max is Andrea Herrington! So the woman married to Clifford Herrington, according to Pedo Bear, is NOT Maxine. LMAO 😀


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m a black Latino? Omg hahah you fool! Exclamating something doesn’t mean one its yelling. Simply could mean a bold way to say it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes So I’m a black Latino because I said Maxine isn’t Andrea? You should fucking commit suicide.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You still haven’t stopped clinging to the whole “Maxine isn’t Andrea” thing? Man, give it up.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You guys got such a hard on for no reason. Being trolled isn’t nice right. I mean you tried doing it to me. But yeah you keep on falling for it.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN You’ve not yet trolled us. Keep trying. Trolling you is too easy. You come to us like a retarded fool. BTW, while you’re here getting whipped and spanked, want me to grab some pics of your relatives features, block out their eyes and stuff so there’s no rules broken but point out the obvious RACIAL MIXING? I can tell you’re in deep denial and maybe getting this over with will help start the healing process for you. Your family is race-mixed. Majorly mixed. Like someone walked down the bake isle in the supermarket and grabbed 7 different cake, cookie and muffin mixes and threw all that shit together in one big bowl and didn’t think about how it would turn out. Well, it didn’t turn out so great. LOL


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Because a Jew told you my family is race mixed. I just told you my bloodline is pure blooded. Retard


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes No pure bloodline there son. That’s race mixing if I ever saw it. I see Africans and there’s no denying that. Go back over your family tree, go back 500-700 years if you must. You got Black.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Well 500 years ago those people weren’t my family you fucking idiot. My generation and the one before are pure blood. How are you gonna tell me. Lol


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Your family just popped up out of the blue, huh? That’s some funny shit.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes No Jew told us anything. A Puerto Rican told us. A historian from Puerto Rico who still resides there. Someone far more intelligent than you. He looked over your your images and your family and said “Racially mixed.” Not put as simple, but for a simple mind like yours I’m keeping it preschool for you.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes It takes you hours and days on to reply to certain messages. Well I’ll accept your defeat. I mean you guys became futile the minute you guys mentioned my relatives.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Your raced mixed relatives?

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes What?? Those are not even my folks lol smh


Hide 38 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Look closer. 😀
Cortes Family and extended family. Don’t be funny…
A Cortes is a Pedro Cortes and they all know you so now you deny them? what are you now? Acting like Jesus apostles? LMFAO!!! “I don’t know this man!” I’m not naming name but dude they’re all on your thing and you know what I’m saying so…you deal with your relatives and their race mixed features. We already have your pics from way back…you blowing smoke, remember? All those “look at me, I’m so cool, blowing my big ass weed with my ear plugs…” so we can show that too if ya want. This will do for now…those African Latino mixes.You NOSE they are on your friend list with your last name, yo!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And oh. See how you got trolled. I usually bump into people with my last name. So ueh you chances of having my folks up there are 0 to none. Pretty much noticed by the picture. Hahah but moral of the story. Most of the Cortes you see on my Friends list are yeah Friends. Lol


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes So when she asked you to go visit your abuelita, she ISN’T your relative? OH I SEE. So WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIN’? She trolling too? On your own profile? 😀


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes And you always bump into people riding your ass to visit your abuelita. HAHAHA!!!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes That last comment was really relevant boy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes It was, PedoBear. For people who aren’t your relatives, they seem to be up your ass all the time telling you what to do. That one female is always up in your shit reminding you to do stuff and you come here saying her nose and lips aren’t in that collage? HAHAHA lying deluded retard.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Pedro likes to call others boy because that’s what all the old rich white people call him at his housekeeping job. Boy is what they call him when they need someone to fetch golf balls off the course. Do they make you wear those little white gloves when you bring them their martinis beaner tits?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Beaner tits tho. That shit funny now. Lol I don’t work. No need when you got it bro. Maybe then, but not now. Hehe


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And I have people who care about me. I’m such a nice person. But I’m not falling for the enemies lies.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You dont have to prove yourself tonus beaner tits. The fact that you’re so insecure as to tell us that you don’t need to work lets me believe you actually do, in abject poverty at that. Now go get your little white gloves and that shinebox I told you about.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You can say I’m insecure by not wanting a job. Bro I don’t work for minimum wage, plus, beaner tits is making no sense, not that it ever did. Futile runs in your veins.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith And banal dreck runs in your veins. Look at you trying to defend yourself on your mundane position in the world. It matters so much to you it’s hilarious. You landscape your masters hedges extra well and I’m sure he’ll add a little bonus for you in his will. I love how you get offended at the latino jokes but shout jew and kike all day. You’re pathetic. Like I said before. As a chemistry major I’ll win the nobel prize for having discovered stupidity in a raw elemental form, pedrocortezium.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You just don’t work. You’re a lazy fuck, like the other lazy fucks in JoS.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Everyone comes from different background Exposing the JOY of SATAN I just so happen to come from being lazy >>>can’t deny if you are getting to know yourself<<<


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You deny a lot of things I can point out even being right, some times tho. I think I am wrong but end up being corrected right.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You have the english of a drunken toddler. Too lazy to even learn the language of the people whos taxes you’re dodging. Ungrateful to say the least.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Oi Pedro, I bet you will be deported from the USA when your stupid idiot Troll Trump (with the luck of the gods LOL) wins! You are a self hating Hispanic, and another thing, stop acting the lapdog, it embrasses everyone. You are lazy, those medidations causes laziness!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Fuck the government, that’s my moral.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yeah I bet you say that towards everything that intimidated you. Border patrol is comimg for ya pedro.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m not an immigrant tho.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes No one intimidates me.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Every one of us intimidates the livong hell out of you beaner tits who are you trying to fool? That’s why you’ll come back to this page for the rest of your miserable and fleeting lifespan because you’re trying to prove yourself to us in vain just like with your daddy. You’re a joke pedro and every comment you leave adds further to the portfolios of idiocy that are JoS born. You’re helping others get away from the JoS pedro. Doesn’t that make you feel great?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You believe that.. Lmao


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yeah that’s right stay quiet. You’ve got nothing and you know it. You’re not articulate enough to even level with us intellectually. How many ways do we need to phrase that for you?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But I didn’t stay quiet tho. Sooooo


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Btw I am very knowledgable tbh.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You saying that you’re “knowledgeable” (which is how you spell that moron) doesn’t cover up your horrible english and shameless nonsense that makes you out to be an absolute fool beyond comparison. You’re one of the biggest losers I’ve ever met. We make you sooooo mad and you just can’t get over it. Just go ahead and admit your undying love for us already.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But everyone learns right so quit your bitching.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Everyone learns right? Wtf? Not you obviously. You probably haven’t done anything productive or for the sake of another your entire life. You probably dont have one valuable skill or asset to yourself as a person which all circles back to you being LITERALLY a useless person, dog food, meat for the grinder, the pup the mother wolf would have eaten out of mercy. That’s who you are.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Because you assume so right?


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’ve given more than enough evidence to prove you’re useless in every way. Now go get your fucking shine box beaner tits.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Evidence? Okay, I’m a troll and evidently you know me now? Geez


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’ve put your entire persona on display via this webpage for all to see and riducule. You are here still because we allow you to be. Making fun of idiot JoSers is a part of a balanced breakfast.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes That’s what I’m saying though, you think you somehow know my persona even if you somehow seen my pictures which I don’t care, makes no difference.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith See your pictures? You still don’t get it. Your messages dumb ass, your messages that have not ceased for weeks have put your thoughts and idiotic opinions on display for all to see. Whats even better is like a coward you tried to cover up your stupid tracks by deleting your accounts but didn’t know that Exposing had copied everything that you said. So now the gospel of cortes is there for all to see and ridicule your senseless comments and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Haha, you think like any other times that you want something to conform your agenda.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Really? Sounds like the entire crux of the JoS what you describe. Face it. You lose beaner tits. The JoS made you ashamed of your own race even and now you wanna be white. Well sorry to let you know beaner tits if we flashed back to ww2 your ass would be in the oven right next to the jews you fucking retard. Whadaya think of dem apples? I’ve roasted you soooo much over these past couple days. This is what they call refried beaner tits.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN BTW, I am not going to bother too much to this Troll whilst I am writing this, and another thing, I don’t care what the JOS thinks, says or does. And one more thing, they will have more respect if they shown their faces in public spewing their rubbish INSTEAD of hiding behind a computer monitor like cheap little cowards that they are. But someone knows exactly who they are, and someone knows what this Maxine looks like NOW! What I have done when I first looked into that BRILLIANT, TRUTH article was read the info from the proper sources, and yes, the Original books, websites, old forums, etc had the real knowledge which Maxine stole.


Tony Cain

Tony Cain Where do all of these fucking idiots come from?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Tony, they all come from THE JOY OF SATAN.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes This page heheh


Hide 288 Replies
Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re just mad that we’ve lit a roman candle left over from the 4th and proceeded to shove it up your ass. I can tell you’ve missed us beaner tits. You were pacing in circles and drumming your fingers waiting for us. We can’t coddle your narcissism 24/7 beaner tits, we have lives you see. So when you’re missing us and want something to remember us by just take one of those leftover bottle rockets, shove it down your urethra and light it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Even if you perform black magick on me it wouldn’t even reach me.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And I am never mad with you guys, I feel great how I been talking to idiots this whole time thinking you guys had logic and reasoning.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You meant to say you’ve been talking to yourself in the mirror, hence the idiot, and when you come here and get overloaded with intelligence you’re unable to cope. Sorry but I have to correct the stupid when I see it.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You actually think you’re interesting enough to merit black magic against you? I guess you have to feel important to yourself to make up for everybody elses apathy towards your existence.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Don’t twist my word prick. You already had been schooled. AJ is left.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Aj Smith not that you would or could. Cock


Aj Smith

Aj Smith We’ve gauged your sphincter so much it looks like the earlobes of a hot topic cashier. The only way you could think you’re winning anything innany way right now is if you’re a straight up masochist. Now go do that thing with the bottle rockets and yoururethra like I told you to. Your flacid little foreskinned pecker doing the helicopter from a bottle rocket lit and jammed in it, all the while the rest of the Cortez family looks on in shame and horror while you lose your shit over us. We own you beaner tits.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Cortez? No wonder you thought I was Mexican. But you’ve lost to me a long time ago. You still come back to ass whooping, what mommy didn’t spank you, come here I’ll show you morals and ethic, with that dirty mouth you so kiss your mom with. You been lost boy. I was just waiting for that exactly reply to confirm it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes In your psychotic dreams you think you own me. But in reality you will never. I just can’t permit that.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Every day you come to us you’re signing your life away to us. We own you. Face it. We make you wear little white gloves while you shine our shoes. Your family would disown you if they caught wind of how idiotic you act on here. We’ve hung you from the ceiling and beat you with rusty steel dildos like the pinata you are. You would pay us each 100$ just to smell our genitals. That’s how obsessive you are with us.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exactly just like a psychotic dream.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith So you finally admit you have psychotic obsessive dreams about us? Get a life beaner tits.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Don’t twist words to satisfy your fantasies.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Don’t spam banal dreck all over the internet and not expect to get your ass handed to you verbally little punk.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Like I told you, don’t twist shit around to satisfy your fantasy.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re out of anything to say which is fascinating in of itself. Here I thought you were just an endless well of bullshit. Alright pedrocortezium we accept your temporary surrender but we’ll rest in knowing you’ll be scratching at our door for attention like a dog begging for scraps until then. Be extra nice and Exposing or Chad might take you out for a walk.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj Smith Re: Pedro Cortes: “We’ve gauged your sphincter so much it looks like the earlobes of a hot topic cashier.”
Did you know PedoBear actually has gauged his ears? He should post his selfies. 😀 Funny too since Mad Max made some huge rant post about how it’s against Spaceman Satan’s wishes to do that to yourself and it’s not a “white thing” to do. Since Pedo talks her seriously he should take those gauges out and let his lobes fly in the wind.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You are never going to get your dream. You can’t be like any of us. You’re a Puerto Rican with no direction. you’re in Joy of Satan. You have so many strikes against you there’s no point. Just go to the police station and ask to be locked up. Tell them that eventually you’ll be in prison, so why not start now. Get it going, maybe you’ll get out early for good behavior…in your 60’s.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m not running out of shit to say, I got so much things to cover but instead I can cover my life. Which has priorities.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Your life sentence you mean? Don’t drop the soap beaner tits. And try all you want to the Arian brotherhood will not let you join them once you’re in prison and they’ll probably shank you in the showers just for asking.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You would know. Stay relevant..


Aj Smith

Aj Smith While you’re in prison you could take the time to brush up on your english, I mean you’ll have nothing but free time and it couldn’t hurt. And no I wouldn’t know, I’m not a bigotry induced racist with a knack for sectarianism and anti-Semitism, I just enjoy calling you beaner tits because while it makes you mad it makes me laugh at the hypocrisy of someone who shouts jew and kike all day, but calling you beaner tits is going too far? You’re pathetic and I enjoy grinding your lot to dust.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Anti semitism is racist?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And it clearly has no effect on me. You can keep calling w.e you like. Prick


Aj Smith

Aj Smith It’s had so much effect on you that you’re still here begging for more beaner tits. Take a whiff of my balls and just breathe it in. It’s all you’ve ever wanted.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Is anti-Semitism racist? That’s all you could muster? You are literally too stupid to insult you know that?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m asking you fucking retard


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Walk away.” Says the little shit who knows I could have banned him a long time ago, but keep him around for only one reason, and that reason is clear. Any admin could’ve banned you, Pedobear, but you’re here still. You don’t wonder why? It’s so obvious!

No Pedro, it isn’t that you’re smart or have anything relevant to say.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith The fact that you have to ask shows already that you don’t see that comment was stupid from many angles. There’s no way you could have asked and seemed any less asinine. Like I said, literally too stupid to insult.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes So ban me. You acting like Facebook is my life. I’ll just create another account and be in your ass. That’s and fuck that Jewkerberg, motherfucker getting more money for every new account, well he better keep a good relationship with the Chineses because if not the little dollar you hold sacred (BY THE BIBLE) will collapse.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Well you’re wrong Anti Semitism is not racist. We stand up to the Jewish racism that plagues this world. We are tired of being slaves, I don’t want to be a goyim, like you so pretentiously try to personify. So stfu and get a fucking better reason to come back and reply. You are already super annoyed by with the level of intelligence you (The Cockmist) showed.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith The only thing suppresing you is the extra chromosome you were born with you banal retard. You’ve never been outta Connecticut and I’ve been overseas 5 times. The senseless dreck that spills from your face could only be done by someone who hasn’t seen a lot of the world and grew up subjugated like a dog tied to a leash in someones backyard. The only thing you’re a slave to is your own insolence.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yup assumptions..


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m smarter than you. I didn’t even finish school. I learn outside of it and beyond anything school ever taught me.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Of course you didn’t finish school. You think we didn’t know that already?, and it wasn’t for any other reason than you were incapable in the first place. Ne accountable for your limitations instead of making excuses like a baby. By the way, simply stating that you’re smarter than someone blandly like that is a 100% guaruntee you’re a fool.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m not making excuses. I know just know what’s truth and falsehood.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. And of course facebook is your life. We’re the only life you have. Of course you’ll make another profile if we ban you because you’re ADDICTED to us. You would love nothing more than a golden shower from all of us at once. You would love nothing more than for each of us to go to the sauna and funnel the sweat from our balls and pour it into a baby bottle for you to nurse.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m addicted wow great observation, maybe you missed out in how bad you are at making feeling anything you say. Just keep ranting on. You’re contradicting yourself and you deny it because of that Cockmist title or “degree” you hold. That really defines who you are. You’re the one writing back, I’m just trolling you from the start. Haha.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re not intelligent enough to even begin trolling us beaner tits don’t you see? We’ll keep you here forever as our little toy because you’ll never cease this vain attempt to out wit us. You’re a self hating beaner who thanks to mama maxines brainwashing wishes he was white. Yes you’re addicted to us. You wish all of us would take our diuretic evacuations and stuff them into an animal skin for you to use as a pillow. If you could you would mail us a matrix mold to put our cocks into so you could fuck yourself with artificial dildos of us. That’s how obsessed you are with us. I can roast you till the end of time beaner tits. Refried beaner tits.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith So yes. I’ll keep ranting and you’ll keep guzzling it up in lieu of my semenl since this is as close to that as you’ll get.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You make sense.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Of course you don’t understand my messages. You have a newspaper level of vocabulary at best, probably not even thatl. You don’t do anything but smoke blunts and attempt being a wannabe troll. Is it really that surprising that those who spent their lives more productively than you are more clever? I guaruntee you’re not helpful to a single person around you, dead weight that can’t provide and just lives parasitically off others like a burden. Why don’t ya sift through the truth and falsehood of dem apples beaner tits? If I was in vegas I’d put 90% of my odds that you’re a burden that everyone else compensates. The other 10% on that you’re actually handicapped andnl can’t help it. Now go get your shinebox.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You are assuming shit. Last time I’m going to say it.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You love this page. YOU LOVE THIS PAGE!


Aj Smith

Aj Smith No it isn’t. You’ll say every redundant statement you already have 100 times more a week from now. Just admit your undying love for us and get it over with. First step to recovery is admitting you have a problem beaner tits. Just admit you masturbate to cope with the frustration we put you through. Your tiny little mind only has capacity yo respond to one element of my messages when in each message of mine I roast you in at least three different ways. That tiny little brain can only respond to a couple sentences in it though. That’s the only thing is I actually wish you were smarter so you could appreciate these insults that you clearly don’t understand. This certainly wont be the last time I say “go get your shinebox beaner tits”


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Of course he does. I’ve been roasting him practically all day in between breaks and he couldn’t be more at home. He comes here, gets on all fours and wags his ass in the air like an animal in heat. He can’t wait for the next verbal onslaught. Well he can drink his fill here. I’ve hung out at comedy clubs in NY and have seen the best of heckler smashing. Pedro here isn’t even practice.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exactly I can’t wait to reck your bitch asses.. Your definitely right about that. Everything else like I said are assumptions. Hence you don’t affect me whatsoever.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Wow lol yet another message misinterpreted by beaner tits. Why don’t you read the message a second time and try absorbing the content this time. I said you come here to have every one of your orifices gauged beyond belief. You love when the long dick of logic gags you and fills your retarded asshole to the brim. You’re a coward and a profile/message hopping fag who deletes what he’s ashamed to see when he’s sober. Just wait till you sober up again beaner tits. You’ll look at your messages in shame and delete this account of yours to becuase you’re too weak to bear the humiliation of looking your own stupidity in the eye. Don’t worry. Exposing has recorded it all so you can’t run from yourself any more. Poor sad sad beaner tits.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I didn’t delete anything my account got banned by bitch niggas like you and Shit talking Jos page. I created a new one to keep on seeing these bullshit posts you guys ranted on while I took the greatest break from you. I came back to the same account with the same shameful words comin out of your mouth. So you need to grasp a little reality here bud because you are state that I misinterpret things, boy I go by what little logic you claim you have and answer you precisely. That fact that you still insult me with that senseless word, lets me know you didn’t get degree the legitimate way. Hence why you suck Exposing Jos dicks.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Ooooo touched a nerve did we? You see little logic in my words because you’re stupid. What degree? My Science degree? Surely you don’t wanna take this to academic turf. You’re losing badly enough as it is. I love how you use boy despite you being a baby yourself. Boy makes you feel powerful the way your sweatshop slave masters use it towards you. Do they beat you with a rubber hose and call you boy when you don’t sew the Nikes together right? You’ve deleted several accounts you worm of a coward. Too ashamed to look your ignorance in the eye come morning. Like I said. You’re in love with us. You want to wedge your nose in my taint and choke on the pubic hair. You wish you could take the place of my toilet and just have your face where we shit and piss.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yeah you think because of that degree you are better than me. And that will be your undoing. Can’t get a job or continue your career of the economy falls heh, well sit the fuck down and watch your surroundings. Your ego, humph, work on that. That’s what makes us very different you arrogant bitch.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Exactly I can’t wait to reck your bitch asses” Haha. Yeah. That’ll happen…like NEVER.
“Hence you don’t affect me whatsoever.”
Obviously not, we can tell by how you never come here and you avoid us and this page. Did you not understand that last part? Let me make it clear for you pea brain. We have such a huge affect on you that you cannot keep away. You’re rain to us like a drug addled idiot. to you, this PAGE is heroin. You’re the junkie. You use and use and you can’t stop.
Face it, it’s the truth and it’s so blatantly clear there’s no dancing a lie around it.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I didn’t study Science or go to school for economic reasons. I went to study organic chemistry because it fascinates me and now I’m going for biochemistry simply because I want to learn. That’s what makes me better than you if you want a reason. I seek to help others if anything with my skills in a practical manner and you’ll continue to be useless without any talents, skillsets or even hobbies that make you valuable as a person. So where does that leave YOU when the economy collapses you worthless motherfucker?


Aj Smith

Aj Smith By the way. Someone who advocates himself a pure race has no room talking about ego…. Colossal idiot I swear.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Oh so since I’m pure raced, I’m not allow to be prideful about it. I mean my ego is humbleness. I don’t brag that others are lost and they should find the enlightenment Joy Of Satan has offered me. And many others, well I couldn’t disagree more about all the things you say that I am. But damn kid. Grown up, I did already experienced life in such matters that makes me stronger than any average individual, that includes you. And everyone who has been against me from this group. What you guys lack is a spiritual awakening. You claim that you been placed well to my best observations you are so narrow minded. But I digress.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Right because you just eat breathe and shit enlightened wisdom let me tell ya. You’re your own biggest fan you know that? Saying you’re humble and better than others in the same breathe. You’re nobody, nobody thinks of you and you’ve never said or done a single thing that ver mattered to anybody ever. ALL you do is brag about yourself with nothing but banal dreck as words to show for it, that is to say, nothing. Yes, you digress all right. You’re everything That’s fallen about this world today.Useless, worthless without a single skill to help or provide for others, yet you think you’re important and what’s worse is you think you’re special. You’re a fool. Anyone proud of the finite vessel of the flesh is a short minded petty little bitch.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yep my own fan, everyone doubted me when I was younger and I can agree I was ignorant but I learn and deviate from that. That’s what makes us different. Like I said your the arrogant narrow minded asshole here. Just look at your posts..


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I have no problem looking at my posts. You don’t see me deleting my profiles and my messages like you do. You’re such a coward and less than a man that you wont even use a real profile. Gotta hide behind that fake accout because deep down youre scared of us.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith By the way that’s “you’re” the arrogant minded asshole. If you’re gonna attempt to troll you should get your english and spelling correct as well as your punctuation because you literally have the writing of less than middle school grade. Dead ass serious. A 6th grader has better writing skills than you easy.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes There goes the assumptions and lack of observation I didn’t delete anything I just created another accounts what’s the problem bro if your gonna keep doing this, just get a life.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You act like you don’t have spell errors that to your point of view defines someone, well it backfires to you.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Dude lets be honest for a sec. You know good and well that just with me roasting you that you’ve now heard at least 100 new words that you didnt know before or have ever even heard of. Your vocabulary is that of a middle schoolers and your writing skills are certainly less than a middle schoolers. All signs point to you’re a middle schooler. If you are older than 16 that’s extremely sad. Sure I make the slip of a spelling error once in a while but your messages in their entirety are flawed from the ground up both grammatically and literally. Any decent english speaking person would look at your messages and ascertain that they were written by someone who isn’t very bright. Your asinine beliefs aside they would safely be able to brand you an imbecile from your poor language arts and grammer.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Ha get a life, says the million account beaner troll. Beleive it or not beaner tits there’s time for trolling you between school, work, the swordmanship society, and time for craft brew at the local brewery. What have you done lately beaner tits?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes When you stop exaggerating your claims I’ll admit to the truth, but nothing that you’ve said is true.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’ll never admit the truth because you wouldn’t know truth if it was chemically castrating you. You’ve got more truth to admit to yourself than you do with me.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You worry about yourself buddy. I’m doing pretty fine.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Then why are you here? You’re doing pretty fine as my foot stool on this webpage. You just keep talking. You defame the JoS more with every sentence.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I defame oh I owe JoyOfSatan my life and I defame them. How cruel of me.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You owe them your life? That’s literally the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Well then go give it to em beantits. Get a foot stool, a rope, and a reeaaally solid beam.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes So we can shove that shit so far up your ass right? Yeah


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes What’s sad to you may be happiness for others. Vice versa.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith That’s really as deep as you go? That’s some great epistemology you got there beantits. I bet all you did was eat, sleep and jack off since I last roasted you. I can’t see you doing anything actually productive.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes According to your observation, I quess. Whatever floats you boat.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith An ocean of JoSer tears floats my boat.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “I owe JoyOfSatan my life” You owe strangers on the internet your life?
HAHAHAHA you fucking idiot.


Tony Cain

Tony Cain Aye que loco… What the fuck is a Cockmist?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes A chemist. Just putting two words together making Aj Smith a “cock chemist”


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re just mad that no chemist will synthesize any meth for you. That’s why you’re running out words. Starting to come down and detox all those uppers? Running out of meth beantits?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Don’t do drugs sorry.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yes you do. You do a drug called Exposing Joy pf Satan. You’re addicted to us beantits.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj Smith Same thing was said to him weeks ago! 😀 He’s a Joy of Satan junkie. He’d jump off a bridge for them.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You think you’re pure? Dude, you’re not pure. Puerto Ricans saw your pics when you first came here to be a little assclown. They said you were black and latino. Prove you’re not.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Aj Smith you sound stupid asf considering your degree.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN like I told you before I’m one of those lucky enough to be pure.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith What does chemistry have do with me roasting you? It’s not relevant beantits. You on the other hand are trying to outwit us with only words at your disposal, yet can’t see that you’re not even articulate enough in english to even do so. So yes, if you would like to entertain me on oxidation/reduction formulas for ionic compounds or perhaps discuss 8 orbital electron theory then yes my chemistry would be relevant. But it’s not. So don’t try to use my degree in this just because it’s too late for you to learn anything.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You subconsciously deny that your level of intelligence doesn’t have to do anything with the fact that you are a Cockmist and lower your standards to me. How ole are?


Aj Smith

Aj Smith So basically if you keep trying to bring my science academia to this then it’s just going to go from me sounding 100× smarter than you to 1000×. Now who sounds “stupid asf”? as your ghetto wannabe gangster ass likes to say.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes 100×1000=100,000 times a fool you are and can’t seem perceive.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Oh sure you’re definitely pure DRECK and BANALITY. That much is true. Those two words define you through and through.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes That where you stand no matter what logic you use.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes “Oh sure you’re definitely pure DRECK and BANALITY. That much is true. Those two words define you through and through.” Stop hiding behind these useless words.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Stop hiding behind a fake profile. You’re scared of us just admit it. You have daddy check the closet for us before he tucks you in at night.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Too bad this is my real profile hehe


Aj Smith

Aj Smith By the way that wasn’t an equation you fucking retard. If you could speak shit for english you would’ve known that. You embarrass yourself better than any of us do.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Pedrocortesium- stupidity in it’s raw elemental form.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Humph how retard and conscious are you. Clearly it wasn’t an equation it was how much of an idiot you are. Times 100,000.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith A real fake profile. Scared to put anything on it because you’re scared of us.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m just not trying to be harassed in the irrelevant form.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m not scared lol


Aj Smith
Aj Smith You answered as to correct me mathmatically you backpeddling coward
Don’t try to cover your tracks of idiocy. Your messages are all present for all to see.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re SCARED beantits! You know it and can’t live with it. That’s why You’ve got nothing on your fake ass profile you made just so you could come here.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Take a good ass look at that post again, read out loud and tell me the meaning of that? Prick


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You are becoming more and more irrelevant. Fix that.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Fix your fear of us and make a real profile beantits. You won’t. You’ll delete this account and be on here sucking our cocks with a new account in less than a week. I’d bet on it. Stay scared beantits.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Wanna bet ?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN *sitting back watching, knowing PedoBear fears us* After Pedo said he owed his life to the Joke of Satan, I’m 100% sure he’s shit his shorts with worry since signing up. It comes with the JoS territory. They fear all of us. They live to worry. It’s Pedo’s reason for living.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Yes beantits I bet. You’ll be back with a new account once you’re banned because you’re ADDICTED to us.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But I don’t. How could I fear someone across the screen? Where’s the logic in that?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Why am I going to be banned for “God?” Since you seem to know when and where and how and who. What. Lmao


Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes What’s Pedobear, and beanertits, anyone ever heard such words. I mean, Cockmist is two legit words put together but beanertits and Pedo, when my name is one letter away and you wanna think you been
Roasting me, boy get a grip, you want to know what roasting is, go back to middle school.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Because you’ve got no life other than us. You’ve probably got grotesquely undulating beaner man tits from your lack of physical excercise because you spend all your time trying to prove yourself to strangers on the internet. You’re out of shape because you waste all your time on projects like this. There’s probably a half eaten taco under one tit and a jizzed out tissue paper from you masturbating to us under your other tit.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You want my cockmist all over your face.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yup there goes you assumption card. Is that your trump card, because as a troll, I can tell you suck.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes (no grammar needed, fucknut, your name is here because it was supposed to be tagging you, but you’re such a low form of life that Facebook just won’t tag your spicish name) This is you. Pedobear. You like little kids. Just like Maxine’s husband. And Maxine.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Use grammar!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I am going to be here in regards to having no free time, I will use my time wisely to self preserve the FACT that you all look like morons just replying. You will only get yours, doesn’t matter how you disbelieve it, it’s actually much easier to control one who denies magick from anyone. Embed that in your conscious.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Says the beaner who dreams of sucking all of our cocks at once like a circus seal. I bet youd even clap while you did it. Face it. You belong to us now pedrocortesium. Your only way out is to fade away into the patheticness which, in time beantits, is a given.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith That’s all you do is hide behind the word assumption as if you weren’t doing the exact same thing you fucking idiot hypocrite of a dolt. The word assumption is all you have because you’re not clever and can’t say anything equally offensive because you’re physically incapable of out witting us. Get off your moms laptop and get some excercise. Pull that bean burrito you forgot about that’s been lodged in between your troll rolls.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Is that the best you can do. You think I can respond equally. Hmph what you miss out on.. Get off that high horse. Cockmist


Aj Smith

Aj Smith That’s all you’ve done for the past few days is just defend yourself against my roasting cause you’ve got nothing left. You’re like a fish out of water flailing and gasping for life but slowly dying on a field you can’t survive. We’ve destroyed you beantits. You probably don’t even remember who you were before you met us.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith I think it’s safe to say we’ve replaced your fear of jews with your new fear of us.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes A man made fear yeah I don’t think so. Nor do I ever fear the Jews. You think (Jews) would destroy satanism because of there knowledge but better think twice about it, they are trying to destroy us because in REALITY, we’ve grown morally better.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Lol. You’ve just boxturtled your own little world around you haven’t you? No company? You should change that snake to a box turtle because that’s what you’re doing. Hiding under your little fake profile shell.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Reality is us verbally slaughtering you.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Aj Smith “Says the beaner who dreams of sucking all of our cocks at once like a circus seal. I bet you’d even clap while you did it.” Pedobear’s dream is to have all of us in such a manner…on his knees in the dirt. In my case I’ll have to get a strap-on for our brainwashed toy here; what color cock would you prefer Pedro Cortes? And I assume you want it big enough to choke you, right? Of course. How about big, black and with a little curve to tickle your esophagus?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes (continued) I’d prefer just handing you a large dildo and letting you fuck yourself. I’ll bring the music to set the tone. Trey shredding like mad with Morbid Angel…you know who that is, Pedobear? JoSers love Morbid Angel. Trey loves studying the Kabbalah (JEWISH) and stuff Deepak Chopra. I LOL when I see a Joy of Satan retard post about listening to Morbid Angel, knowing how if they knew about THIS, they’d make a new Topic about it and rant for days.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Kabbalah isn’t Jewish you retard you love making yourself and Aj look stupid.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes It’s called an anonymity, yet your smart. Haha Aj Smith


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Funny fact. IRL I’d literally kick your ass to hell myself if I had the opportunity and put it all on Youtube for your JoS “friends” to see. You’re an annoying pest. Your immature, uneducated and obviously lack motivation. Since you’re not truly a Satanist, you probably don’t want to go there. You want to go to someplace alien, right? Enki, right? He’d come and take you to space, the final frontier?

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You’re funny.. There goes your assuming like your not uneducated and immature, just look at your posts.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes What makes me a non satanist? Tell me boy.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith All I hear is a bunch of bland vague defense without anything compelling being stated. I love how you keep trying to use boy when you’re not even a handful of years old yourself. Your sweatshop slavemasters call you boy while you sew our shoes and you think it has similar effect with us. No beantits, the only boy here is you.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m an adult first of and vaguely I reply to you guys idiocy.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith See that? Self defense and nothing more. We tuckered the little bugger out.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Because you assume so.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Kabbalah is JEWISH OCCULT. Again you prove yourself to be a complete idiot.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes So you’re an adult who refuses to get a job or an education? And you tell this to people publicly like it’s something to brag about? HAHA! You’re just like Mad Maxine. Uneducated yet telling people “I so smart. I smart. I know lots.” Chickens are smarter than you.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Actually Pedobear, there’s another interview where Trey says it’s the Jewish occult. Want that link? I’ll dig it up. For now I have this. BTW you’re one dumb Rican.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes As typical with JoSers, you know nothing about what you claim to know about. All that “Jews call Gentiles animals and say Jews can abuse, use…” is crap. This is from a portion of study guides for Jews for Non-Jews. Does it sound like Jews think Gentiles are animals? I can contradict everything the Joy of Satan has told you. If their fake quotes were truthful, then this real quote would make NO sense whatsoever.

“Regarding this type of Righteous Gentile, Rabbi Meir is quoted in the Talmud (Baba
Kama 38A, A.Z. 3A) as saying, “a Gentile who studies Torah is like a High Priest.”” Pedo…can you wrap your head around this or is it too much for your tiny beaner brain?

The Gentile, like the Jew, is required to know and serve G-d. How then can the Gentile
fulfill his obligation to do this unless he studies legitimate Torah sources?
Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, in his commentary to Maimonides Mishneh Torah (Laws of Kings
10:9), writes regarding this:
“In order to observe the prohibition against the worship of false gods correctly, one must become aware of G-d’s unity.
Accordingly, a number of contemporary Sages have suggested the translation of certain basic Chassidic and Kabbalistic texts into English with the intent that they
be studied by gentiles.”
Even within the Talmud, we find that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi was dearest friends with the Roman (gentile) governor, Antoninus, and taught him the secrets of the Torah. Surely
what greater example can we ask for than that of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi himself.
The Tana D’vei Eliyahu, (Eliyahu Rabbah 9) states specifically that a Gentile like a Jew
can receive Ruah HaKodesh (divine inspiration) in accordance to his/her actions.
Therefore . . .
1. being that a Gentile is required to know and serve G-d,
2. being that he/she can cultivate and thus acquire Ruah HaKodesh if one so chooses,
3. and seeing that some contemporary Sages encourage teaching Gentiles those matters of Torah metaphysics (Kabbalah) which they need to know to fulfill their
spiritual obligations,
I believe that I can correctly draw the following conclusions:
It is most certainly permissible, even required, for a Jew to teach Gentiles how to cultivate righteousness, spirituality, and possibly even holiness.
Within this requirement is the necessity of teaching certain Kabbalistic principles
and practices that are applicable to the Righteous Gentile.
As long as the Gentile has abandoned idolatry and lives by the covenant that G-d has made with the children of Noah, then whatever aspects of the secrets of the Torah that
assist him in fulfilling his obligations are open to him.
Regarding this type of Righteous Gentile, Rabbi Meir is quoted in the Talmud (Baba
Kama 38A, A.Z. 3A) as saying, “a Gentile who studies Torah is like a High Priest.”


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN yeah where that evidence, you clearly are a moron, the Jewish stole everything that is satanism, and turn it into lies. That’s why you said the Kabbalah is Jewish, idiot the Kabbalah is Egyptian.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You fucking Jew sympathizer, no wonder you have lost, you back up Jews sources when they clearly lie to your face. Well I’m not one to be lied and so easily adhere to it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN that whole quoted section, irrelevant, study the JoyOfSatan, you need to clarify shit in your lies.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You’re so brainwashed it’s pathetic and funny as hell at the same time!


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Yeah, we’re the morons when you’re the fucking unemployed welfare spic buying cigs on our dime and we’re all college educated adults. Real adults, not “kid adult” like you, ignorant lobotomized freak. You’re so unschooled it’s scary. You deserve the JoS. “Study the JoyofSatan” You’re high on drugs kid. Maxine fucked that site’s content up back in what, 2004? And she’s never updated it since. All the shit is corrupt and it’s why most JoSers are lazy fucks, exhausted, tired and aging so quickly. Bad meditations and bullshit rituals. You’ll waste away before Facebook fades out and the next social network takes over. You’ll be dead long before then. Death by JoS. Serious as your heart attack.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes MaxiPad Hag also took the Jewish Magic Squares and twisted them into some fucked up crap. But you will believe the POS trash called Maxine that claims she’s MENSA yet makes numerous grammar errors all the time. Do you know people outed her “home care” and told about her house smelling like cat piss and shit? That her home was filthy and there was trash all over the place? The stench made visitors gag? That’s your leader. LOLOLOL


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Every MENSA member I’ve met ( all two of em lol) were kinda impersonal douchebags.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN well I chose not to go to college, I chose to devout to Jos, it helped me in my life. It cleared things up, now I repay by committing to Satan’s work. You keep mentioning, Jewish this Jewish that, nigga, how many times, you’llhear it from us, all occultism is of Satan, anything, you use, as of magick, divination, knowledge, has to do with Satan, but I’m the brainwashed one. I dot think so. @Exposing & Aj Smith good observation, I’ve met people like and trust me, they arrogance, gets them killed. Learn to be humble.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes It had been said by countless of us… Heheh

Pedro Cortes's photo.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes That’s the lamest shit I EVER read as an excuse for not working or going to school. You’re pathetic. JoS stole all their content from others. You were in diapers when it all went down, child. You’re not a man, and stop calling me “nigga” you fucking spic asshole. I don’t talk “low class ghetto” you slum living loser. Oh, and good screenshot. Can’t see anything on it! Too small, like your brain and your cock. But I am sure of this; that screenshot has Chad’s comments, someone with years of experience, who taught MaxiPADS when she was an atheist, who helped set up JoS, and Chad is solid. Chad knows more than MaxiPads and ALL of the JOS baah baah black sheep combined! And the others on the screenshot? Typhus? A teenager? Really, you’re going with that? HAHA no…sorry, that’s fucking lame shit, dude. You’re a loser. You “devote your life” like a Westboro Baptist does, what’s the difference? NONE.

Jews were around long before Joy of Satan. Sorry “nigga.” You are so indoctrinated you can’t even function like a normal person your age. That makes you a fucking LOSER. Someone needs to kick your filthy ass into the pavement, hard.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun I thought Filipino.Nazis and Randroids were stupid until i saw the comments made by the current crop of.Joy of Satan members…now thats a real.piece


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Pedro Cortes for.somebody to claims to have so much power you are a poor demonstration before you talk about Satan, occult, demons and stuff, be sure you dont live off mom and pop and deal with the ebeeeeel Joos and Grayd


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Beware the Reptillian Joo.underneath your bed


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN PEDOBEAR…look under your bed!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun never claim that I had sooooo much power like you make it seem.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN yup you would know my age, how I live, and, and I go by the Satanic Doctrines. I’m not making excuses for not going to school or such, I know my consequences, and so I decided what’s best for myself and my loved one.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN found you creeping. Creep.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “that whole quoted section, irrelevant, study the JoyOfSatan, you need to clarify shit in your lies.” Fuck NO, study JoS to learn what? That Mad Max altered the works of many people and religions to fit her needs and wants and now idiots like you are lazy ass bitches mooching off us because the meditations drain you? Hell no you sucker. You don’t know who you’re talking to here. When JoS declared they were “at war” and did extra “RTR’S” to “protect the Joy of Satan websites” who do you think took down most of the 30+ that were deleted permanently? Hi asshole, I’m waving at you! BTW while I’m here, Maxine has no education, she isn’t MENSA and she isn’t capable of writing a paper without making dozens of grammatical and spelling errors. She is a paranoid psycho who actually believes the shit that comes out of her old nasty c*nt mouth. It’s unbelievable. Are you stupid enough to think Sharia Law will soon be in the Untied States? Maxine is! How many of you JoSers are that ignorant and stupid to believe such idiocy? Fuck you, Pedobear. Following in Maxine and Clifford’s footsteps…going to go rob the cradle tonight? Oh no, no time, you’ll just go online to prey on underage kids, right? Devout JOS you said. Slob that you are.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN “that whole quoted section, irrelevant, study the JoyOfSatan, you need to clarify shit in your lies.” Fuck NO, study JoS to learn what? That Mad Max altered the works of many people and religions to fit her needs and wants and now idiots like you are lazy ass bitches mooching off us because the meditations drain you? (You need to realize something, many people in JoyOfSatan come from different backgrounds, no matter where they come from we have rules set out. But you don’t seem to notice that, right, claiming JoyOfSatan is a fraud. No, I can tell you by experience that it is not.) Hell no you sucker. You don’t know who you’re talking to here. When JoS declared they were “at war” and did extra “RTR’S” to “protect the Joy of Satan websites” who do you think took down most of the 30+ that were deleted permanently? Hi asshole, I’m waving at you! (Yeah I realize that it was you and some other goonic cocks like you. It isn’t surprising. But you saying things have been deleted permanently, umm take another look. You blind ass.) BTW while I’m here, Maxine has no education, she isn’t MENSA and she isn’t capable of writing a paper without making dozens of grammatical and spelling errors. She is a paranoid psycho who actually believes the shit that comes out of her old nasty c*nt mouth. It’s unbelievable. Are you stupid enough to think Sharia Law will soon be in the Untied States? (To answer that question, it is evidently enough to know that United States pushes for Social Marxism, as well as Sharia Law, not in the necessary term but already has been undergoing.) How many of you JoSers are that ignorant and stupid to believe such idiocy? Fuck you, Pedobear. Following in Maxine and Clifford’s footsteps…going to go rob the cradle tonight? Oh no, no time, you’ll just go online to prey on underage kids, right? Devout JOS you said. Slob that you are. (What you failed to see is that “Typhus” handled you precisely, you don’t remember I screenshot it. Take yo time bro.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Typhus handled nothing, kid. “Typhus; did he think when he chose that as his sock account name? A serious disease that is carried by small insects that live on the bodies of people and animals. “Yea, I’m gonna use Typhus, that’s so cool, lol, I”m like 14 and think that’s cool and Father satan will think so, too, though maybe I should run it past Fostar Child to make sure this isn’t dissing the demons or the dinosaurs.”

Regarding your retarded and lame reply: Typhus took screenshots. OOOOOH MY I’m so worried and shocked and freaked out and WTF he must be a god, I’ll delete the page since you told me this! Puh-LEEZ. I’ve got more screenshots than Walt Disney had stories to tell. You don’t know who you’re talking to, “bro.” Think long and hard about who you think you’re actually responding to on the fucking internet. You haven’t the slightest clue, child. Please, “bro,” post your awesome super amazing screenshots. Dude, you have NO IDEA. Little hint for you and “Typhus” since you think you’re such a ballsy bad ass. I roasted you like a potato dozens of times and it means nothing really. Taking down JoS websites is cake. Look what they have to use; web archives. We own you, Pedo. You’re our bitch. You read that entire comment to you and your only comeback was weaker than all the times you pull out on your own hand. Take your time, “bro” coming up with some real solid replies in the future.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Dude… yourselves are losers.period. face it you got nothin on anyone. You guys cant even go.down the toilet without worrrying about teh ebeeel Joo


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Dude…. You look like your head is about to pop stfu, you don’t know what you’re saying. I don’t have time for your senselessness.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN & Aj Smith Nazis are people who help Father Satan restore the world from its illness and affliction, and turn it into a better place. A NAZI CAN BE FROM ALL RACES, and this is a process that heals and rejuvenates one’s respective Race of people. There is no evil in being a “Nazi”, except of what this feels to the jews. But to the jews, all that is holy and sacred to Gentiles, is accursed and villified.

Nazism will be the healing of Satan and the rejuvenation for the whole of the Human Race as a whole. Its the natural order that empowers, spiritualizes and elevates all life on Earth.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes We don’t have time for your idiocy. Since you’ve complained that you don’t like it here, leave. Stop coming back. If you’re so addicted to all of us — which you are — ask us to ban you. Then you can go about being the worthless waste of life that you are.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Holy shit Pedo really has lost it


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Still waiting on your big boy story about Typhus here. Pedo…phile.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Why you calling me a pedophile? Exposing the JOY of SATAN ran out of things to say. Don’t wait on it nigga it’s in your subconscious, you been handled.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN this dude clearly has his head in his ass, I don’t have time meaning I won’t be here 24/7, unlike you guys.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And what you fail to miss and will always fail to miss is that Nazis can be any race. And we work for Satan desires to replenish this filthy world of you guys.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun why don’t you pay attention to the road, might cause a crash, just being irrelevant here.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Your post about Nazis was some hilarious fiction. It leads me to realize you must have some mental illness. Why is it that so many JoSers are mentally ill and highly unstable? Is that a secret requirement? Is there a ritual to prove you’re a psychopath and delusional? I bet there is, and when you pass, you get entry into the world of nazism and lies. You and your mixed race pals aren’t Nazis. You’re called a nazi sympathizer. Nazis don’t accept you as a true Nazi.

You fall for JOS propaganda.
Really no difference in what MaxiPad does and what propaganda master Gobbels did. It means you’re a sucker.
Propaganda is the art of persuasion – persuading others that your ‘side of the story’ is correct. Propaganda might take the form of persuading others that your military might is too great to be challenged; that your political might within a nation is too great or popular to challenge etc. In Nazi Germany, Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. Goebbels official title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.

The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” Goebbels

“Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good………the new Ministry has no other aim than to unite the nation behind the ideal of the national revolution.” Goebbels

It’s a shame you still don’t accept that the Nazis lost, and they’re not coming back. If you want to troll or police somewhere online, get your spic ass over to the Yahoo group and do some JOS NAZI corrections on those posts. “Obviously as we can see from what Hitler did…” Oops! That was in context with “kill Jews” little pedo creep.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You talk about propaganda but you follow the Jewish lies! Where do you stand buddy, helplessly. That is.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Nazis never lost, as Adolf Hitler never died.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes In Nazi Germany, Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. Goebbels official title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.

The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” Goebbels

“Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good………the new Ministry has no other aim than to unite the nation behind the ideal of the national revolution.” Goebbels

Exactly what Goebbels tried to explain, if you can’t see this. There’s no need for you to put quotes that you can’t decipher. Stop, only making a fool out of you. I already have read all of JoyOfSatan, get over the fact that you push Jewish propaganda, hence you clearly are trying to convey me to your bullshit


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You’re a tool Pedobear. Now go get lost. JoS is crap. And so are yoi


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’m a tool. Dude you’re a sheep. Stfu


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Stfu” <–that’s the best you got? haha
dude, you’ve made a fool of yourself. We didn’t even have to make an effort to make you the Page Assclown. You do it all on your own…with your super mage powers of spaceman satan and your pedo-desires, because as you said, you’re a devout JOSer, right? Goes with the territory, brotard. Stop asking all the male users here to suck your dick. Refrain from calling women “bro” and “nigga” you stupid pillow-biting idiot. No one wants your obvious late stage Syphilis. At least you have a valid excuse for believing all JOS’s bullshit. Syphilis. You can ask MaxiPad about Trichomoniasis. You pass that around all of Hartford, right? By the time she replies to you, you’ll be GONorrhea, lazy fucker.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Quit fantasizing my dick in your mouth. I don’t think your gay right? Exposing the JOY of SATAN


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You dont even know what “tool” means. You are proof that JOsers are stupid


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun don’t flatter yourself. A tool, it’s an object of use. But a sheep, that’s something different, a person susceptible to life lies, and that’s where you fall. Like I said pay attention to the road, texting me could kill you and all the passengers, life hangs in your hands, boy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN James Aron Mangun Poor Pathetic Pillow Biting PEDObear here thinks he’s trolling you…while you, me and most of us have jobs, he refuses to work because all he can get is minimum wage (his words!) since he didn’t even finish school or bother learning a trade. His jealously is coming out in some form of rage against the trains. Just say CHOO CHOO MUTHAFUCKAH! and pretend you’re running him over. 😀


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “I don’t think your gay right?” Are you that much of an idiot that you’re asking us what we think you think? HAHA fuck you, Facebook Page Assclown. You’d take as many dicks as you could fit if you had the opportunity. I think that’s why you troll around Facebook…you want non-JOS cock. Go you! Looking for dick outside your race! LOL


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Quit fantasizing my dick in your mouth. I don’t think your gay right?” And you’re thinking about WHAT again now? The usual. You and a bunch of dicks in your mouth. Whatever Pedo, just try to imagine them being over the age of 18+ for a change, mores since the main JoSers and owner of JoS think way below the legal limits.

I won’t even bother fixing your wrong usage of YOU ARE, dummy.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Don’t wait on it nigga it’s in your subconscious, you been handled.”
Pedro’s way of of saying “I got nothing.”


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun No one is fantasizing you Pedobear. You are a powerless gump who.devotes his life to a cult of losers who fancy power but are afraid.of everything and fear bees and Joos


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Well if hr wants me to run him.over i can arrange that 🙂

Like · Reply · 2 · 23 hrs


Tony Cain

Tony Cain Hahaha… fear bees and Joos. Lol. Because he’s a bear and he hates Jews. I don’t know man I just woke up but that one cracked me up. This discussion is very entertaining. He’s a persistent little pendejo.

Like · Reply · 2 · 23 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN stop assuming those are vague observations. But you don’t call that fantasizing? James Aron Mangun


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Tony Cain I fear bees and jooz? Oh my, what else you guys think? Everyday I wake up I feel the same way about everyone of you, persistent lil fucks.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Pedro Cortes Those are based on the shit you have posted..which is completely ludicrous but funny nevertheless.

You claim you arent afraid yet 98% of your statements contain the word “Jewish” and “Jew” and “Jewness” in them as if the Jews really gave a few fucks about yourself.

If everyone else is so insignificant and you are so important, why even bother responding tyo anyone here? You see we pick on you because its both fun and funny. You olffer limitless comedy


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun The fact that you blame the Jews for your life failures is a good indicator you and your band of loonies shouldnt be taken seriously. We only pester you because you and your cult going paranoid and nuts is Schadenfreude for us


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun who are you to be talking to me like you know me? And “yourself” correction, “you” they don’t give a fuck about me, well yeah I’m not their center of attention seeker. I’m just exposing their bullshit lies, even I, fortunately can see between them. Don’t try to school me sir, you, yourself look like a Jew. Mixed perhaps. Don’t even start. I blame Jews but not for what happen in my life, you wanna know why I blame? I blame certain individuals, because what it comes down to, is the fact that I actually take my time to research. I do happen to be an intellectual being, as a matter of fact I scored so high on the SAT’s that I drop out because my school wasn’t teaching necessary things to proceed better in life. So my personal choices have nothing to do with me blaming the Jews for what liars they are. And lime I said before, pay attention to the road. Bud, I’m warning you once can get distracted just by reading my post. Lol


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You scored so high that you couldnt ind a job and you had to quit because of them ebeeel Jooos and had to whine andd bitch about Joos and alien grays attacking you on social media hahahahahahahahaha.

“research”…you mean wanking to your goddess Andrea Herrington and her demento husband Cliffy hahahaha.

Drop.out of school? Hahahahahahahaha lame excuse.

Your post is funny af. Face it, you JOS losers are nothing more but paupers and idiots that fancy power and might when you guys cant even summon yourselves outta a paper bag. You guys think you are so powerful yet bitch everyday about not getting laid and being attacked by grays LMAO


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Bullshit! SAT’s aren’t taken until you’re near the end! No one with half a brain drops out at the very end!
You’re just a fucking LOSER, like I keep telling you.
Keep trying to “troll” and embarrass yourself with the people here who have far more experience that you, even wit the JoS! Yet you think you’re a mage and you can do things! You’re funny! Look at all that BS lying you had to do. You did it to try to convince yourself. Why are you a loser? We don’t really care. It’s you who cares so much. No job, no education, no relationship and no friends in real life. you LIVE on Facebook, the place used MaxiPads tells you to not be on so much. Ha!

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun If hes so.powerful and such a mage why does he and his buddies spend bitchinf about alien grays and Joos? Hahahaha

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun I canr wait for us with his signature JOS Death Curses

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun dude I never said anything you just mentioned.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun don’t wait on it.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Haha look at my posts, 24/7 do I constantly brag about jooz, no I so expose them once every other time. So stfu you’re just like lackies acting like just but can’t be MAN enuff to accept that you have no free will. You work to be a slave, and if so buddy the way I can get a job, would make me so much money, no tho I rather not knock on people door just to make a quick buck, so buddy excuse yourself out of this convo. You just sound like Exposing the JOY of SATAN soooo damn much it surprises me.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN sorry to correct you but I went to 12 and stopped so what’s the problem, I did took my Sat, wasn’t very good at grammar yeah I’ll accept that, (makes me a better person already to accept my flaws) “you guys don’t” hence I’m better than you. I scored, no lie, I mean whatever you may think I have my records. I scored 117, just below genius, imagine that. Hmph


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Everyone, absolutely everyone is a Mage or Witch in JoyOfSatan. So quit your botching because you’re mad you can’t be one. Not without Satan’s knowledge.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes When will it ever be the day that you realize you’ve lost to me. Like a year ago maybe maybe more. That’s why I troll you. Simple. You in the other hand will convince yourself otherwise, but Satan and I know the truth, and so all my brothers and sisters. Who are loyal.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’ve got nothing beantits and you know it. Nobody on the JoS has accomplished anything except calluses on thier hands from angry masturbation to jews. Yeah you wont knock on doors for a quick buck because the last time you did your pimp caught you and slapped you around a bit. Stick to the corner you’re assigned slut.

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs · Edited


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Angry masturbation? That sounds like it came out with no logic? Keep ranting bullshit.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’re sooo mad with us all you can do is masturbate to cope with the frustration. Face it beantits. You’re our little hoe on the corner of Exposing Joy of Satan street. Now go get a nice uppercut in your taco musted taint before I send you back to the brothel you escaped from.

Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Dude i can beat tbe crap out of you and all of your JOS idiots including that repulsive Uncle Cliffy of yours single handedly.

Hahahahahaha if you cam make.soo much money then why live off your parents and whine about Jooos all day??

You JOS losers got nothing. You are losers who wish you were powerful mages who can perform real magic. Joy of Satan losers cant summom.shit. and neither can you cast spells. You are all delusional


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun If JOS “witches and mages” are so powerful, why no one…and I mean NO ONE in the JOS has achieved anything worthwhile in ANY field and are all a bunch of mooching freeloading losers and psychos and how come HP MaxiPad’s husband Clifford Herrington isnt the President of the US yet??? Oh yeah i forgot….Jews hahahaha

None of you will ever be anything except underachieving dolts who will be nothing more but welfare moochers while masturbating to Ayn Rand and Hitler


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Man when I masturbate I feel so sexually active and energetic. Fuck you mean, I don’t know how a you guys pull your muffle cap back blue but I certain do it for pleasure and not angriness.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun oh yeah, I will buy a plan ticket where ever you are and we’ll see about that. Straight hands, scroney ass.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun worry about the road instead bro you might crash. Lol


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Hahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit you actually said that about Masturbation????? No shit sherlock


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Pendejo, let me offer you a suggestion. If you arr going to threaten dont say it, you just DO it. But since you neither have the money to fly to the Philippines and are a coward, you cant

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun no dickseeking fuck, I was stating how I PERFORM MY MASTURBATION. With PLEASURE. Can’t you read. I think you need to go back to school, I hear it helps the blind ones stay on the blissful path. If you get what an I’m saying atheist.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun I eat death threats for breakfast bitchboy. And i live in a country where people can beat the crap outta anyone. You JOS scunbags wont last two.minutes herr

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun Philippines ah, no need to show my face. Thanks for the info…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun you always and also going to eat my dick. Because that’s what you been doing, sucking dick. Gnarly


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You really are into dudes. We get it.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You got fucked by one that’s why you keep mentioning that. And my girlfriend, prettier than any bitch you dreamed of or had, guaranteed fact!


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “I was stating how I PERFORM MY MASTURBATION. With PLEASURE. Can’t you read. I think you need to go back to school” 1. LMAO we really don’t want to know that you jerk off all day, all night. 2. You didn’t even go to school, so who are you to talk? You spend your days and nights jerking off and using Jewish social media with a PHONE. Do you even own a computer? Pathetic loser. Pedophile, you’re getting banned tonight so enjoy it while you can, slick spic.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You always have an obsession over dicks. Freud is strong in this one

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun The fact that all you do is beat your meat shows you cant even get laid


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But you guys brought up dick first lol


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes There ain’t no facts here just speculations.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN you obviously do since you’re saying I peel my shit with anger when I don’t I actually enjoy it sexually, jealous. Got a tiny dick?


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You beat your meat everyday because you cannot get the real thing 😉


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes So I quess you can’t read huh you like men but won’t accept it due to Christianity slandering you but it’s okay I tell you, it’s 2016, time to come out the closet.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I have the most beautiful girl I ever seen. So yeah and I see and had best friends who were dimes. Muahhh


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun answer what’s lesser magick? No other question. Just answer boy.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Is the name of your girlfriend Mary Palmer or what we call “Mariang Palad”??? Hihihi


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Why should i give you free answers to questions I asked you? Logic 101 fail


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes You don’t have an I.Q. anywhere near 117. You not only have awful grammar, you can’t spell and your reading comprehension is far below that of a 12 year old. Many times you’ve been told you’re not always having a conversation with the same admin, yet you can’t read and comprehend what you’ve read. Not only that, you cannot retain information. When you were told you weren’t talking to a male, you skipped over that information and continued with your immature rants about homosexual acts. Well, sorry loser, but again you’ve failed completely. You are obsessed with cock and seem to have some fixation about hopping on dicks — I assume this means you like it in the ass. You keep thinking your “trolling” us here when you’re commenting to the admins, but you fail to realize that you’re immaturity makes me fucking laugh at you. I couldn’t care less if your imaginary girlfriend was a hideous sweaty slob or a hot chick. I don’t want to know about how you don’t even have sex with her because you are too busy doing yourself all the time. No, I don’t have a tiny dick you fucking idiot; how many brain cells are you actually missing? If you still can’t figure it out, you’re more of a retard than anyone here has you pinned as since you first posted. And no, sorry, but I read those poorly done screenshots with Typhus and all I see is some kid doing a lot of “LOL”ing and not much else more. That entire conversation was with one admin and not the one you kept trying to bother with, but even still, I now looked at it and I see nothing at all but some child acting like a typical moron on Facebook. Maybe to you that’s some hot shit stuff, but it’s not. The only jackass here is you, buddy. You’re the joke on this page and no one else. You throw your lame “trolling” posts around and they suck. You can’t even troll and you want us to think you can do magic? Ha ha ha! You’re not a Satanist, you’re a puppet to a stranger of an internet scam called joy of Satan. All of you JoSers have been duped. You are all the laughing stock of online Nazis, too. When are you going to realize that no one takes any of you seriously? Your rituals don’t work, your meditations don’t work and you all cannot summon anything. You are all wasting your time. I think it’s amusing. You all amuse me!
I’m banning you soon if the other admin isn’t back here within the hour. BTW, Omar Martinez and Tyrell Benzinger both made a complete fool of you, too, not just this page and the users on it. As for your severe denial of Chad Burgess, why not ask the trailer trash you call Maxine herself? I read everything you said about Chad and you can’t seem to accept the fact that he founded JoS and MaxiPad and your mentor PedoCliffy took the original content, which was about Satan and destroyed it, bastardized it into Hitler worship and reverse Christianity. The very thing YOU devoted you life to, little acolyte.

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Go to sleep, it’s late out here!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Thanks for calling me acolyte you neophyte. Exposing the JOY of SATAN


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Acolyte of the trailer trash Andrea and Clifford the Walrus pedophile who he thinks are gods hahahaha


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Maxine cant summon herself out of a shopping bag…more or less reach godhood


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Ive encountered really crazy cults and political “movements” yet nothing tops Joy of Satan in its craziness and shit tier delusional members. Aftsr all, Joy of Satan has set the standard on online cults


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun no says they are gods as of yet. And Maxine is raising the kundalini serpent, we all can feel it. Just you wait…


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun yup because in the eyes of everyone else were delusional. But at least we have free will.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And yes online the fastest way to reach folks in need of spiritual freedom. Which no cult of religion in this world offers, sad right. Satan chose JoyOfSatan to spread his rightful knowledge.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun “Spiritual Freedom” hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

You mean the Kundalini Dragon from.her butthole? Hahaha


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN You still don’t “get it.” You really are a double digit imbecile.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun “James Aron Mangun yup because in the eyes of everyone else were delusional. But at least we have free will.”

Yep delusional and brainwashed


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun if your mentioning the root chakra where it ascents from yes. Bro spiritual freedom. And I don’t get whatExposing the JOY of SATAN tell me plz. I may be oblivious.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Of course! Satan sat around waiting all this time for the internet to be invented and then he waited even longer because he had to wait for Mad Max to find Cliffy on that Nazi mail order bride website. You’re right, Pedobear. Satan had nothing better to do for all that time than wait for a low class trailer park trash whore to find some old fat Nazi man to hook up with and start scamming underage kids. Sounds legit.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Not brainwashed I know what a devoted to. Sorry


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN don’t be ridiculous..


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But yet you still believe what Jews say of JoyOfSatan member especially the clergy. It’s fun to hear tho. Rather annoying.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun If theres anything Cliff the Walrus and Andrea Loca have done well is the ability to use thr internet to build a cult and set the.rules.on how to.effectively.recruit and spread their bullshit teachings. That i.can give for


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Applaud!


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes But you yet had to answer me what’s lesser magick?


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun The only reason I would applaud is.Andrea has found a way and taught othet equally lunatic people to create flytraps for society’s riffraff


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN You are an oblivious imbecile. You were told “You really are into dudes” (which is obvious) You told the other admin “You got fucked by one that’s why you keep mentioning that. And my girlfriend, prettier than any bitch you dreamed of or had, guaranteed fact!” I posted THE OBVIOUS to you and yet you still have no fucking clue! You’re a MORON! Your IQ is 90 at best.

“Everyone, absolutely everyone is a Mage or Witch in JoyOfSatan. So quit your botching because you’re mad you can’t be one. Not without Satan’s knowledge.”

Oh really. Well, you better run back to them and have them do summer school Joy of Satan style. See “bro nigga” many times over the years I’ve seen the posts about the hours and days spent doing death rituals, yet here I am. I’ve gotten the threats sent right to me, with all the details about the JoS powers and how so many of the JoSers were “helping” to make sure it “works this time” yet…guess what! Still here. No problems. All’s cool. End of story and soon, end of your time on this page, “nigga.” You claim you have no time for Facebook and no need to be here yet I’ve done the math already and maybe you should make a hilarious attempt to add up just how many hours you’ve spent posting here because it’s quite funny when you realize you tell us lies and you lie to yourself. All the time.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Already seen it nd @keep dreaming my IQ is117, like I said lol


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes And I didn’t say I was doing death ritual yet, I mean your on my list. So, just need some time to grow. Lol


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes 117, as per some online IQ test you saw in your news feed from one of your Facebook “friends.” Yea. 95 is the highest I’ll give you.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yeah right fooling yourself? Exposing the JOY of SATAN


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Go a lil higher lmfao


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Lmao hahahaha death rituals.

Your JOS death spells dony do.shit. you cannot even fight Jews and Grays lmao


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN “Not brainwashed I know what a devoted to. Sorry”
There’s a sentence written by a genius level scholar. LOL

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yeah look at how Jews are reacting they wanted war world 3, but it didn’t happen. The pushed gun control for USA and what 4 fucking times they got denied. Huh? That’s just the bitty tiny tip of the iceberg. James Aron Mangun


Pedro Cortes


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I have written pretty well over the time so don’t twist shit again to satisfy your ego. Humbleness is key.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You guys blame Jews for everything..including the gum.that got.stuck on your pants. No wonder you’re Class A failures


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes So you’re avoiding the reading comprehension problem you have and the fact that you can’t grasp the obvious and you’re changing the subject? No, that’s not going to work.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes You make sense James Aron Mangun


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Oh nooooo dear boy, I don’t deny anything in my life I know who I am And I’m working for the better. Quit twisting shit up bro. You don’t know me.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Higher? We’ve just sucked at least 20 out of you in energy. 75 tops. You are what they used to call “mentally retarded.” They now use socially acceptable and non-offensive terms. We’ll just call you a retard.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t fit that criteria.. Yup


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Notice how you always get a like on your posts because they are dick riding you even in your idiotic form of expressing your hate towards me and JoyOfSatan. Lmao


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “I’m trolling you ” Fucking LAME. You keep replying like a 13 year old. Excuses as usual when you can’t figure out the obvious or you have no idea what’s going on. Smack yourself, idiot.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN James Aron Mangun He still DOES NOT GET IT 😀
Let’s just let him live his little imaginary life of lies and delusions.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Dude you seriously need to look up the definition of Humble. You are the antithesis of humble.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Okay great definition of me. Yup. And no you need to realize certain things, get off that high horse bro. And the point of being to you a 13 yr old makes a great trolling scenario. Didn’t know I was so good. Hey thanks.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN the one that speaks as 10 yr old saying >>”LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL” fool


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Not humble in the least as well as grammatically handicapped. A real master of the universe let me tell ya.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun He has nothing to be humble about since he has nothing to brag in the first place


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “Oh nooooo dear boy, I don’t deny anything in my life I know who I am And I’m working for the better. Quit twisting shit up bro. You don’t know me.”

You really are too stupid to even try to train. Pointing out the obvious to you doesn’t even work. I basically told you where you’re wrong and you’re avoiding the whole thing and coming back with idiotic ghetto speak. You do realize a goldfish is smarter than you, yes? Are you going to post more emojis and still not know WTF is going on? Yes, you are.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Whatever. Being that you call me bro, I’m going to assume your imaginary girlfriend has a dick as well. You go ponder that little retarded pedophile. Check your “girlfriend” for a penis.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Don’t tell me anything inopportune, because you won’t change my mind not do you effect my emotions when you speak all I see is a Jewish sympathizer racially trying to belittle me but its doesn’t work, just goes to show who you are.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun There goes the Jew again hahahahahahaha


James Aron Mangun

James Aron MangunNothing beats this tho

Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “My IQ, you wanna really know.. it’s 115, not to impressive but smart enough to know your bullshit. From miles away.” So now you’re saying it went to 117? More lies. You forget things within weeks. I noticed that when you were asked by Omar about calling us Jews, you said you never did. We then posted screenshots showing that you did indeed call us Jews, Kikes, whatever. What did you do when caught in your lie? Ignore it all.

Like · Reply · 1


Aj Smith

Aj Smith What’s sad is that this mundane material is like a macrocosm to him. How inconceivably small can ones world be? The voyager spacecraft has another seventy three thousand years to go before it reaches the closest star outside our sun yet this guys entire world and agenda is driven by here say dreck about religion and race.

Like · Reply · Message · 1 · 8 hrs
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “My IQ, you wanna really know.. it’s 115, not to impressive but smart enough to know your bullshit. From miles away.” So now you’re saying it went to 117? More lies. You forget things within weeks. I noticed that when you were asked by Omar about calling us Jews, you said you never did. We then posted screenshots showing that you did indeed call us Jews, Kikes, whatever. What did you do when caught in your lie? Ignore it all.

Like · Reply · 1 · 25 mins


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN HAHAHAHA This kid is definitely the town idiot.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Because I’m saying the truth? I quess I’m an idiot in your eyes.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN PEDO-BEAR! Enjoy your posts because by the weekend I think I’m going to just go ahead and ban you. You’ve stayed around long enough, don’t you think? I know you’ll miss all of us and it’ll be difficult for you, but you can do detox and rehab. Get over it…move on…you’re time here is coming to an end, spic.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun He needs meds


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Meditation, yes I need thanks for the advice cunt.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Nope.medication


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Your Seytuhn Gayded Medeetayshunz have fried your brain


Aj Smith

Aj Smith He won’t last until then. Ive worn him out.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I’ll be here even after this page goes down.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Suuure ya will beantits. This is your entire life after all.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Pedrita Maricon has no life


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes “found you creeping. Creep.” So you’re the dirty, ugly spic that was following us around in Target. Gotcha. Thanks for letting me know you were creeping about. It’s because there were so many minors with us, isn’t it? Maxine and her husband already taught you their “main ritual” huh? Pedo boy, pass Go and don’t collect $ you dirty moocher, go straight to jail.

Exposing the JOY of SATAN's photo.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Your post about Nazis was some hilarious fiction. It leads me to realize you must have some mental illness. Why is it that so many JoSers are mentally ill and highly unstable? Is that a secret requirement? Is there a ritual to prove you’re a psychopath and delusional? I bet there is, and when you pass, you get entry into the world of nazism and lies. You and your mixed race pals aren’t Nazis. You’re called a nazi sympathizer. Nazis don’t accept you as a true Nazi.

You fall for JOS propaganda.
Really no difference in what MaxiPad does and what propaganda master Gobbels did. It means you’re a sucker.
Propaganda is the art of persuasion – persuading others that your ‘side of the story’ is correct. Propaganda might take the form of persuading others that your military might is too great to be challenged; that your political might within a nation is too great or popular to challenge etc. In Nazi Germany, Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. Goebbels official title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.

The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.” Goebbels

“Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good………the new Ministry has no other aim than to unite the nation behind the ideal of the national revolution.” Goebbels

It’s a shame you still don’t accept that the Nazis lost, and they’re not coming back. If you want to troll or police somewhere online, get your spic ass over to the Yahoo groups and do some JOS NAZI corrections on those posts. “Obviously as we can see from what Hitler did…” Oops! That was in context with “kill Jews” little pedo creep. The “Exposing jos” thread needs to be updated too. 😀


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Like I’m Mexican. You illiterate fuck.


Tony Cain


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Lmfao


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Oh men, you guys, make my day. Thanks


Hide 46 Replies
Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Oi we will make your day when the MSM exposes all of you with photos, where you live, etc. Nice that you are an active person here Idiot – you are great to feed off.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Feed off, oh my, fuck everybody, much luck to them. What are you gonna do find me. Oh I’m scared, go ahead and step in my house see if I don’t fuck your ass up. Getting back to your threat, what the fuck is MSM? Dude can’t do it for yourself. Resort Jewishness. Grow up.


Tyrell Benzinger

Tyrell Benzinger “go ahead and step in my house see if I don’t fuck your ass up. ” Pedo, I don’t think he’s underage..


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You really have to spell stuff out for him Tyrell. He’s contextually inadequate and won’t understand your references. Too stupid to insult almost.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Bitch plz kill yourself stop fantasizing..


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pathetic really. It’s sad to watch him…he’s so easy to discombobulate. He never finished school and he doesn’t work at all, yet he feels he needs to tell everyone he’s an adult. Who admits they’re dumb and lazy so openly? Weak-minded Pedro does. The Imbecile.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Yet you judge my intelligence and don’t judge my actions that’s where you’re wrong imbecile. Exposing the JOY of SATAN


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Don’t copy everything we say, dummy. If I say idiot, you say it. You got called an imbecile and immediately, you repeat. You’re a parrot everywhere, not just for JoS!

You have no actions to judge, unless smoking and taking selfies counts? Nah. Intelligence? I don’t see any when I read your dissertardations. 😀


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Why would judge something you clearly dont have Pedo?

Like · Reply · 1 · 23 hrs


Aj Smith

Aj Smith If we judged you by your actions it would be equal to judging that disaster area you call your mind. Why haven’t you taught us a lesson with your beaner magic? Why don’t you perform the bean burrito banishing ritual and show us your occult prowess first hand? Rhetorical question beantits. You won’t do anything because you can’t.

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Aj Smith obviously because those aren’t real magick workings. And what do you want to see? And it’s on the making.


Aj Smith

Aj Smith You’ve been saying that for weeks now and no-thing will happen. The only thing in the making is your pending inclination towards even further failure.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Were gathering the energy but not for you to die or dwell, but just to see with you blind eyes what capabilities we offer and have.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes Hahahahahaha oh you are too funny.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Bwahahahahahaha capabilities???? You morons at the JOS cant summon yourselves out of a paper bag. JOS magic doesnt raise the hairs in my asshole. You wanna see REAL magic???


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun But before abything, i suggest Pedo you learn Lesser Magic first. You fail at that miserably

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Wow buddy I can talk to my demon and he clearly reply in esoteric ways.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun you because you know how I perform my magick. Yup real funny Fonsey


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN You’ve ALL been saying that for years now! Stop with this nonsense. You don’t realize what deluded idiots you all sound like…which is one of the reasons people make fun of the JoS so much. Reading just 5-6 posting in there Yahoo group alone makes one wonder just how many of the members are diagnosed with moderate to severe mental illnesses. You’re all messed up people, and that’s not to be taken lightly. If you’re not lazy like you, you’re suicidal, and if not suicidal, you’re so angry you’re ready to kill people, and if not angry, you’re hostile and paranoid…and I can go on and on because it’s all there in the groups and in the forums and in the posts you all make on YouTube, on Facebook, on all social media. All Joy of Satan members are unhinged mentally and it varies from moderate to very severe.

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Dude, you wouldnt know what REAL magick is if I showed you.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun The fact you dont know what Lesser Magick is shows what idiots you are


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun show me then.. What are you waiting for?


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun dude kill yourself, lesser magick a good example is white magick. And opening your chakras. What’s next huh? Fuckin low life.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Trust me.Pendejo. you do not want to see real Philippine magic. You might wish you were dead. Oh yeah you already do


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN James Aron Mangun This poor little man-child thinks he’s a mage 😀

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Exposing the JOY of SATAN I sound deluded, look at you saying that the Kabbalah is Jewish, when there is MAD evidence that points toward Egyptian origins. And it happens to be my fav sub.


Exposing the JOY of SATAN
Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes ” Wow buddy I can talk to my demon and he clearly reply in esoteric ways.” English, can you speak it?
Yeah, you have a demon alright. LOL I bet you do. A Jewish demon. Heh heh heh heh fuck you Pedophile Pedro.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Typhus spanked you like the day your mom whooped your ass for cussing at her, yet you kiss mommy with that mouth huh? So back to Typhus, great work he has done btw, not only him, but I as well. You’re just in denial. And Ivan see it. Virtually thru the screen by reading those senseless comments. Because internally we all feel the laughter growin in the JoyOfSatan community.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Hahahahahahahahaha


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun The laughter IS the Joy of Satan community


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun See you didnt even answer correctly what Lesser Magick is. Shows your ignorance


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes That joke is on you. Silly goose


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun what’s lesser magick


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I been doing my best to shine the light to your ignorant comments, you sit back and read them. Aihht?


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN James Aron Mangun He’ll never reply to anything that requires a serious response. He does this all the time. He avoids confrontations about shit he is clueless about. Remember…this is the same little asshole that said MAXINE isn’t ANDREA! and he was all bent about that. He hardly knows WTF he is part of. He’s a Class A Retarded douchebag. No job, no school, just Joy of Satan. LOSER is all he is and nothing more. He’s totally NOT a mage of Satan! 😀

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Teh Gayded Seytun Medeeetayshunz mustve fried him pretty bad


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Typhus did NOTHING little Pedo. But you can keep dreaming that dream! Poor you. You really believe your little online pal did something. Dude…he came here, posted, got banned, the end. Nothing happened. Are you two jerking off over Skype or something and that’s what we’re all missing out on? Sorry, not interested.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN James Aron Mangun I’m banning him in about 10 to 30 minutes so don’t waste too much time or posts on him😉 His energy is being used up. He’s being exhausted. He has no idea what he’s doing. But you already know that 😀

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Am drawing my.morning fix from.him hence why hes drained


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes No? Install a program to read everything for you, I think you literally are blind.

Pedro Cortes's photo.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes James Aron Mangun drained my load on your chin yeah, like Key & Peele joke they made haha funny asf.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun You seem to fancy people sucking your cock. Shows you xant get laid so you take out your sexual.repression here


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I don’t have any sexually repression.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun Denial isnt a river in Egypt


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I wouldn’t know that (sarcasm)


Aj Smith

Aj Smith Poor pedro. This place has become the crux of your existence.


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun After all Jesus said we must carry his cross. This is Pedos’ cross

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Aj Smith

Aj Smith His cross is a swastika made from flaccid dicks.

Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Lmfao


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN @Pedro Cortes: We don’t just make your day, we ARE your day. Isn’t that pathetic for you? You do nothing and at the same you are nothing. Should we all have a global party for you and your achievements? 😀 LOL I’ve yet to meet one JoSer who wasn’t a complete embarrassment to the group/cult.

Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro says “Every time I got to comment I have to meditate in order for your buddies filth to dissipate.” So basically he spends A LOT of his time “meditating since he is on Facebook and YouTube, etc. so much. no wonder he had to drop out of school and can’t work.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes I could work just chose not to.


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes My life is set my girl is working and I’m home being a husband to my wife. Lol


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes Plus meditating, rereading JoyOfSatan, leaving anti xian, kike, mudslim tracts. Skating, and basic life you know. I mean you have a life?


James Aron Mangun

James Aron Mangun words….you are a “Houseband” since you are lazy af and cant get a job so you mooch off hahhahahahahahahahaha


Exposing the JOY of SATAN

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes aka Pedobear is still here waiting for a reach-around.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr


Pedro Cortes

Pedro Cortes How many mouths on my dick, too many to counts but I’ll say about 8 heads. My name is famous here.

The Joy of Satan, a “life loving, law-abiding religion” that calls for the death of anyone they don’t like.

angryshaman666 in the Joy of Satan Yahoo! Group.

“he was ready to force me to kill him so I’d end up in jail.”

“once I got home I was forced to do a formal invocation and ask Satan to help me kill this damned KIKE before he can destroy my life any further.”

“I will burn these likes alive”
“I will never stop until every jew is dead!”

#‎FBI #‎POLICE #‎Nazi #‎DEATHTHREAT #‎FACEBOOK #‎antisemitic #‎JoyOfSatan #‎crediblethreat #crediblethreatofviolence

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JoS dumb AF — Joy of Satan e-group members go out of their way to make Joy of Satan even more absurd and implausable


Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Note: “Their sword will become our plow” appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 “Beat your plowshares into swords.”

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Fate must bring retribution, unless men conciliate Fate while there is still time. How thankful I am today to the Providence which sent me to that school!

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought.

At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna’s destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thank the Lord, Germanic democracy means just this: that any old climber or moral slacker cannot rise by devious paths to govern his national comrades, but that, by the very greatness of the responsibility to be assumed, incompetents and weaklings are frightened of.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party… was to assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thus, Protestantism will always stand up for the advancement of all Germans as such, as long as matters of inner purity or national deepening as well as German freedom are involved, since all these things have a firm foundation in its own being; but it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy, since its attitude toward the Jews just happens to be more or less dogmatically established.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

As long as leadership from above was not lacking, the people fulfilled their duty and obligation overwhelmingly. Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, both together and particularly at the first flare, there really existed in both camps but a single holy German Reich, for whose existence and future each man turned to his own heaven.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Verily a man cannot serve two masters. And I consider the foundation or destruction of a religion far greater than the foundation or destruction of a state, let alone a party.

-Adolf Hitler speaking like Jesus in Matthew 6:24 (Mein Kampf)

The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

If Dr. Karl Lueger had lived in Germany, he would have been ranked among the great minds of our people.

-Adolf Hitler speaking about the leader of the Christian Social movement (Mein Kampf)

That is just Volume 1, Chapters 1-3… So Yeah, did you even READ Mein Kampf???? The ONLY Church Hitler became against was the Catholic Church, as he himself was Protestant.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 5:59pm

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Pedro Cortes He knew to a further extend that Catholic were Jews hiding in Christianity smiley mask. Don’t dare quote Hitler and say dumb shit. Read the book correctly before you put up nonsense.

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:25pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes It really bothers you that Chad Burgess knows so much more than you, doesn’t it? You’re a kid that doesn’t visit his grandma and has to be reminded to on Facebook. Remember you place in life. You’re a kid, PEDO. Adults have shown you proof of who and what Hitler really was and you’re all boo hoo hoo so you’re putting up a front. You’re the only nonsense here. The little puppet not from JoS from the island of Puerto Rico, where many people practice Judaism. FACT, too! I know my friends Mom has this little collection of plates and in aside from the spanish writing on them, there’s hebrew and along with that there’s paintings of Jerusalem. The woman is so proud, these plates hang on her wall in her little kitchen in San German.

You’re so frustrated after seeing all the posts that all you know how to do, being that you’re so immature, is to lash out at those who put the truth in your face, the blatant facts…and you aren’t able to go back to JoS and ask “WTF!” because you’d be ridiculed. But deep down, you know this shit is all real. Hitler supported the CHURCH. Deal with it, PEDO. And no, I’m not forgetting the “r” in your name.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:18am

Chad Burgess Those are quotes DIRECTLY from the book, you idiot. How about YOU read the book, as I clearly have. “Catholics were Jews” LOL, then they would be CATHOLICS, not Jews, you moron. But then again, Deacon Adolf Hitler was not only born as a catholic, but he was also half Jew…

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 20 at 1:24am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN I don’t think he read the actual book. I think he read the version the JoS PDF’ed and gives to each other. It’s a really botched version. Or so I’m told. I once referenced parts years ago to a new JoSer and she told me the actual hardcopy book we had was a fake.

Like · Reply · 1  · June 20 at 1:27am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN Pedro Cortes YOU never read the book, moron!

Read what Chad posted to you. It’s real. It pisses you off huh? Well, too bad, because it’s what Hitler wrote, idiot.

Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Note: “Their sword will become our plow” appears to paraphrase Micah 4:3 about beating swords into ploughshares, but his tears of war more resembles Joel 3:9-10 “Beat your plowshares into swords.”

I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Fate must bring retribution, unless men conciliate Fate while there is still time. How thankful I am today to the Providence which sent me to that school!

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought.

At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna’s destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thank the Lord, Germanic democracy means just this: that any old climber or moral slacker cannot rise by devious paths to govern his national comrades, but that, by the very greatness of the responsibility to be assumed, incompetents and weaklings are frightened of.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

the unprecedented rise of the Christian Social Party… was to assume the deepest significance for me as a classical object of study.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Thus, Protestantism will always stand up for the advancement of all Germans as such, as long as matters of inner purity or national deepening as well as German freedom are involved, since all these things have a firm foundation in its own being; but it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy, since its attitude toward the Jews just happens to be more or less dogmatically established.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

As long as leadership from above was not lacking, the people fulfilled their duty and obligation overwhelmingly. Whether Protestant pastor or Catholic priest, both together and particularly at the first flare, there really existed in both camps but a single holy German Reich, for whose existence and future each man turned to his own heaven.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Verily a man cannot serve two masters. And I consider the foundation or destruction of a religion far greater than the foundation or destruction of a state, let alone a party.

-Adolf Hitler speaking like Jesus in Matthew 6:24 (Mein Kampf)

The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

If Dr. Karl Lueger had lived in Germany, he would have been ranked among the great minds of our people.

-Adolf Hitler speaking about the leader of the Christian Social movement (Mein Kampf)

That is just Volume 1, Chapters 1-3… So Yeah, did you even READ Mein Kampf???? The ONLY Church Hitler became against was the Catholic Church, as he himself was Protestant.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:45am 

Chad Burgess  Much like the whole “Al Jilwah” that was fabricated and bastardized by MaxiPad dieTrick.. None of the JoS Idiots ever thought to question as to why the “Ultimate Black Book of Satan was only 5 chapters long… AKA 15-20 paragraphs long…. No one ever 

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:38am · 

Chad Burgess  Funny too how the Al-Jilwah never once calls for the Death of Jews… Nor does it call for any “Sons of Adam” to also hate Jews…. Hell, it never actually states (JoS Version mind you) that Satan even hates Jews specifically.. “Three things are against me and I hate three things.” Guess what “three things” were never mentioned?

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:36am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN “Three things are against me and I hate three things.”

NEVER mentioned? Jews, Christians and Vegans? LOL

Jews, BROWNZ and …I’m falling asleep, help me here.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:47am

Chad Burgess  And might I add, from a Blacksmith’s point of view, a plowshare makes the best sword!!! Oooh.. Gotta try making the springy plowshares into a Damascus…. damn, that would be strong!

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:01pm

Chad Burgess  And because JoShers don’t understand German, Gott Mit Uns means “God With Us”.

And because JoShers don't understand German, Gott Mit Uns means "God With Us".
And because JoShers don’t understand German, Gott Mit Uns means “God With Us”.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:07pm

Chad Burgess  The SS’s belt buckle, part of their uniform…

The SS's belt buckle, part of their uniform... "GOD WITH US"
The SS’s belt buckle, part of their uniform…

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:09pm

Chad Burgess  Mother’s Cross (Mutterkreuz)

A Christian cross given to German mothers

Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother

Mother's Cross (Mutterkreuz) A Christian cross given to German mothers Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother
Mother’s Cross (Mutterkreuz)
A Christian cross given to German mothers
Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:11pm

Pedro Cortes  Wikipedia?

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:26pm

Chad Burgess  Baptismal front with carving of Hitler holding a stormtrooper hat.

Baptismal front with carving of Hitler holding a stormtrooper hat.
Baptismal front with carving of Hitler holding a stormtrooper hat.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:13pm

Pedro Cortes  Hypocrisy, and confusion that all there is to it.

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 10:27pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Pedro Cortes: That’s the best you could come up with? LOL that’s bad. “Oh, sorry, Hitler was confused that day he posed for the statue, Sir.” “Huh?” “Yes, Sir. That’s all there is to it. Hitler was confused.”

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:20am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Pedro Cortes <– This kid couldn’t even find the words to respond to what you posted Chad.

Like · Reply ·  June 20 at 1:52am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Awww, I can’t tag the Christian boy.

Like · Reply ·  June 20 at 1:52am

Chad Burgess  Which Christian boy? There is a large number of them within the Joy of Satan Ministries…

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:56am

Chad Burgess  Top text:

Organ of the German Deacons
One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren
26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4

Hitler’s Portrait

Bottom text:
Heil to the Führer of all Germans!

Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.

Top text: German Deacons' Gazette MAGAZINE FOR MALE DEACONS Organ of the German Deacons One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren 26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4 Hitler's Portrait Bottom text: Heil to the Führer of all Germans! Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.
Top text:
German Deacons’ Gazette
Organ of the German Deacons
One is your Master, Christ, but ye are all brethren
26th Year April 1939 Nr. 4
Hitler’s Portrait
Bottom text:
Heil to the Führer of all Germans!
Hitler was a Deacon of the Lutheran Protestant Church. This image and cross is still used today.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:17pm

Chad Burgess  Again; JUST LIKE CHRISTIANS, JoShers doesn’t even read their own “bible”… The similarities between Christians and JoShers… They might as well be worshiping the same gods.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:20pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  HOLY ROASTING of the Joy of Satan!

Like · Reply · 1 · June 19 at 6:48pm

react-text: 1693 Remove /react-text

react-text: 1699 Chad Burgess /react-text react-text: 1701 /react-text LOL, Leave it to the founding father of their pathetic order to roast the Jesus out of them.. LOL

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 19 at 6:49pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Seriously! 😀 I can only imagine their shaking little bodies and furious angry expressions while reading all this!

Like · Reply · June 19 at 7:41pm

Chad Burgess  They’ll just deny it, like every other Creationist Christian would.

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 7:45pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Oh I know that! Still, they’ll be writhing while trying to type all that angry denial.

Like · Reply · June 19 at 7:48pm

Chad Burgess  Oh I’m sure… I’m also sure that “JOO” will be mentioned, a lot… But to call me a Jew is to call MaxiPad a Jew as well, We’re both of Native and European blood. Thank Lucifer we’re not related though..

Like · Reply · Message · June 19 at 7:55pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  “Pedro Cortes: He knew to a further extend that Catholic were Jews hiding in Christianity smiley mask. Don’t dare quote Hitler and say dumb shit. Read the book correctly before you put up nonsense.”

THat’s THE BEST you got? You suck at defending JoS. When the JoS is exposed, you can’t even defend their sorry ass crap.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:22am 

Chad Burgess  That’s because the JoS preaches lies, and doesn’t teach a damn thing. The “members” (aka the members of the forum, because they aren’t worth making part of the ministry) have to guess and create stories that somehow fit into the spectrum of “Hitler, Satanist, Jews Bad”, and just like a bunch of little xtians, they CREATE their own “religion” from pure racist paraphernalia..

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 1:27am

Chad Burgess  I’ll give them an opportunity to read a real, unaltered copy of the book.. Translated into English and published in 1939 (not 1933 as dieTrick(ster) claims)

react-text: 728 /react-text

Mein Kampf – 1939 English Translation

This translation of the unexpurgated edition of “Mein Kampf” was first published on March 21st, 1939…


Unlike · Reply · Message · Remove Preview · 1 · June 20 at 1:47am

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  I told one of them about the unaltered copy that is in a safety deposit box owned by my family. He demanded I get it out and “show him” as proof. It was that guy using the weird name that I then outed as Jordan Xavier Korisher.

Like · Reply · June 20 at 1:50am

Chad Burgess  Korisher, that’s a jewish name if I’ve ever heard one.

Like · Reply · Message · June 20 at 4:14am

Aj Smith  Wow I see you guys have had fun with Pedro. I found him on youtube and sent him here. Knew this would happen.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · June 23 at 11:41pm

Exposing the JOY of SATAN  Who is PEDO on YouTube? I mean, HOW did you find this imbecile?

Like · Reply · 20 hrs 

Aj Smith  He’s got the same english lacking belligerent comments on almost every youtube video concerning them. He had the audacity to try pulling the racism card on me, not understanding that I was blatantly giving him a dose of his own medicine by making all these mexican jokes since he was speaking so freely about killing jews. He’s incapable of recognizing sarcasm and wit so I got bored with him after a while but knew you guys would have at him like wolves if I sent him here lol. I literally could not get him to recognize the hypocrisy of him saying jew this and kike that yet calling me a racist because I proceeded to make beaner jokes at him. It was mind numbingly maddening lol

Like · Reply · Message · 20 hrs

Chad Burgess  ALL JoShers are hypocrites.

Like · Reply · Message · 10 hrs

Exposing the JOY of SATAN

joy of satan will molest your neurons


Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 6 hrs

Aj Smith  I’ve had a lot of good talks with this guy.

Like · Reply · Message · 5 hrs

Aj Smith  In it’s comment section I’m SillyStraw Catheter.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · 5 hrs

Aj Smith /react-text

Joy of Satan = Nazi BULLSHIT!


Unlike · Reply · Message · Remove Preview · 1 · 5 hrs

Aj Smith  I first met the Molest your neurons guy on this video. Had a pretty good chat with him there to.

Unlike · Reply · Message · 1 · 5 hrs